
Could my ankle be broken if I can walk on it?

Could my ankle be broken if I can walk on it?

Many people assume that if you can put weight on the ankle then it isn’t broken, however, it is possible to walk on a broken ankle, particularly with a less severe fracture. If you’re concerned your ankle may be broken, we recommend contacting your doctor, who can conduct an examination or order and xray if necessary.

Do sprained ankles crack?

If you heard a crack or pop at the time of the injury, you may be dealing with a break. However, spraining an ankle can also cause a popping sound in some cases.

Why did I hear a pop when I sprained my ankle?

A sudden twist or unexpected blow to the ankle can push the ankle joint out of its normal position, causing a sprain. And if you hear a loud “pop” when the injury occurs? That’s the tearing of the elastic ligaments that support the ankle. Typically, a sprained ankle can heal in four to six weeks.

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What happens if you leave a broken ankle untreated?

When a bone fracture is untreated, it can result in either a nonunion or a delayed union. In the former case, the bone doesn’t heal at all, which means that it will remain broken. As a result, swelling, tenderness, and pain will continue to worsen over time.

What happens if you hear your ankle crack?

A “popping” sound is very common to hear at the moment when you sprains your ankle. A “cracking” noise means it’s most likely a fractured bone. Swelling can be normal for this type of injury, but if your ankle appears deformed or crooked at the same time, it’s most likely a fracture. Numbness also indicates a fracture.

How do I know if I tore ligaments in my ankle?

If you have torn your ankle ligament, symptoms include:

  1. Swelling around your ankle joint.
  2. A feeling of instability.
  3. Bruising – sometimes up your lower leg and into your foot.
  4. Tenderness to touch.
  5. Pain when putting weight on your ankle.
  6. Popping sound at the time of injury.
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How do you tell the difference between a fracture and a sprain?

However, the difference is pretty simple — a fracture is a break in your bone, while a sprain is a soft tissue injury. Sprains happen when the ligaments around your joint either stretch too far or tear. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as a fall or a sports injury.