
Did RRB NTPC admit card released?

Did RRB NTPC admit card released?

RRB NTPC Admit Card CBT I for the first phase released on December 23rd 2020. The admit card is released 4 days before the date of examination. The Railway Recruitment Board has released the exam cities and exam date for the candidates appearing for the Railway NTPC exam from December 28th 2020 to January 13th 2021.

How can I check my RRB NTPC admit card?

Steps to download RRB NTPC admit card:

  1. Visit official website
  2. Click on the link ‘CEN-01/2019(NTPC) – Link for downloading of e. call letters for 7th phase CBT’
  3. Enter Registration Number and date of birth to login.
  4. The call letter/admit card appear on screen.
  5. Download and take a printout.
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How can I check my RRB NTPC admit card without registration number?

How To Retrieve your Lost/Forgot RRB NTPC 2020 Registration ID/Number Online?

  1. Visit the region-wise official website –
  2. Select your respective region.
  3. Chose the option “Forgot Registration Number”.
  4. The next page will be open.
  5. The RRB will ask you for some details.

How to check RRB NTPC status 2021?

Checking the RRB NTPC Status 2021 – The Railway Recruitment Board will soon activate the link for candidates to check their Application status om the RRB Official website. All those aspirants who have submitted their application and paid the fees can check whether their applications have been accepted or not.

How much is the refund of RRB NTPC application fees?

The refund of RRB NTPC application fees is provided to candidates who have appeared for RRB NTPC 2021 CBT 1 exam conducted from December 28 to July 31 in seven phases. Candidates belonging to SC / ST/ ExSM/ PwBD/ Female/ Minority/EBC/Transgender categories are entitled to get a full refund of their examination fees, which is Rs 250.

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How to login to your RRB account?

Step 1: First of all, go to There, click the link “Application Status”. Step 2: Now click on the link for the respective RRB (or click on the direct link from the table above). Step 2: There, you will see direct link to login.

Can I Change my RRB number after the preliminary registration?

RRB once selected cannot be changed after the preliminary registration is completed and registration number is allotted. Confirm that you have read and understood the instructions clearly by clicking the check box.