
Did Tori Higginson leave StarGate Atlantis?

Did Tori Higginson leave StarGate Atlantis?

Torri Higginson stepped down from Stargate Atlantis during a cast change. Sadly, in season four, Weir sustained severe injuries and could no longer lead the Atlantis team. Thanks to her injuries, she essentially became a minor character, and Torri Higginson faded from the show.

Why did StarGate Atlantis get rid of Weir?

During a now-deleted chat with DTRN’s “SciFi Guys,” Higginson explained that she felt like writers treated Dr. Weir too passively. She revealed that producers gave her the option of becoming a recurring character. However, she disagreed with their approach, and she instead decided to simply bow out.

Why did Dr Frasier leave Stargate?

Writer Robert C. Cooper believed that the characters of SG-1 lived in a world that audiences could identify with and wanted to acknowledge that just like in real life, people die. The decision to kill Dr. Frasier was controversial with the writing staff and the actors, with actor Don S.

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Why was Dr Beckett killed on Stargate Atlantis?

His medical expertise and his history with the Ancient gene earns him a spot on the Atlantis expedition, where he becomes the expedition’s chief medical officer. Beckett is killed in an explosion in the third-season episode “Sunday”, but he returns as a clone in season four and five….

Carson Beckett
Nationality Scottish

Why did Hammond leave Stargate?

Davis left the regular role after the seventh season of SG-1 due to health problems, but appeared in later seasons as well as in a season 1 episode of Stargate Atlantis. Davis died from a heart attack in June 2008, making his appearance in the 2008 direct-to-DVD film Stargate: Continuum his last.

Why was Dr Carson Beckett killed off?

What happened to the first Dr Weir on Stargate?

In the final episode of season 3 (“First Strike”) Weir was critically injured by the Asuran Satellite Weapon, leaving the city without a leader and adrift in space. She was later healed by the Asurans Replicator nanites that were left dormant in her body from when she was infected by Niam.