
Did Voldemort think Neville was the chosen one?

Did Voldemort think Neville was the chosen one?

Neville Longbottom was also a candidate for the “chosen one” label, as he also fits the prophecy. By targeting him and trying to kill him, Voldemort marked him as his equal, while Neville got to live his life without that burden (though that doesn’t mean he had an easy life).

How did Voldemort know Harry was not Neville?

However, Voldemort chose Harry as his target, who was, like himself, a half-blood, rather than the pure-blooded boy named Neville. Voldemort chose Harry as he believed Harry was the most danger to him and he saw himself in Harry before even seeing him.

Was Trelawney’s prophecy about Neville?

Neville Longbottom was told by Sybill that he would break a pink cup. She asked him to use blue one next because she knew he would break a second cup and hoped it wasn’t another of her beloved pink ones. This can be counted as a true prediction because he did break both cups.

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Why did Voldemort let Neville speak?

The only reason Voldemort let him talk is because he saw no threat in Neville. “It doesn’t matter Harry is gone.” Neville expresses. “Stand down Neville,” is the only voice heard in the crowd of hundreds.

Is the prophecy about Harry or Neville?

Born at the end of July 1980, Belletrix (a Voldemort servant working under his orders) torchers his parents to insanity, and it is said in the fifth film only the people the prophecy’s are about can hear them, but it wasn’t Harry who found the prophecy, it was Neville, it started glowing when he was close to it.

Who told Voldemort about the prophecy?

Harry learns from Professor Trelawney that her interview in the Hog’s Head with Albus Dumbledore – and subsequent prophecy was overheard by Severus Snape. Therefore it was Snape who told Lord Voldemort about the child who would defeat him (HBP25).

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Who is the true Chosen One?

George Lucas himself has stated that Anakin is the Chosen One and that the prophecy is true, although it had been misinterpreted by the entire Jedi Order.