
Do bone nuts need to be lubricated?

Do bone nuts need to be lubricated?

Why not bone? There’s also the fact that bone nuts need to be lubricated, either with graphite or a product such as nut sauce, otherwise strings can catch in the slots. Tusq XL nuts on the other hand are self lubricating, so offer improved tuning stability without having any maintenance.

What bone is used in guitars?

The most common bone used in higher-end guitars in recent times is cow bone–usually from the femur and humerus bones, with some being cut from the pelvis, tibia, and sometimes even the radius of the forelegs. As long as it is dense, it works well.

What is compensated bone?

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A compensated saddle includes ‘grooves’ or ‘notches’ where the high E, B and G strings rest. This adjusts the length of the string ‘compensating’ for accurate ‘intonation’ so the guitar sounds in tune with notes played higher up the fretboard. A non-compensated excludes any grooves and is flat across the surface.

What is a drop in saddle?

A drop in saddle (pictured below) started to be used on Martin guitars sometime in the 1950’s so that guitar set up could be much easier. This type of saddle is simply held in by the pressure of the strings and like the name drops right in to the slot cut on the bridge of the guitar.

What animal bone is used for guitar nuts?

As mentioned, cow bones are what is used; given how common cows are used as food this makes good use of other “byproducts” of them. There are other manmade materials available that are excellent as a replacement for cow bone nuts that are not of animal origin you might consider.

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Does nut affect tone?

First and foremost, it’s important to know that the material of the nut only influences the tone of the open strings directly. Indirectly, the nut also influences the overall tone of a guitar because the nut transfers the vibrations of the strings to the neck, so the material and density are crucial.

What is the advantage of a bone nut?

A bone nut will give you a nice stable point on the guitar for the strong to anchor too and it also allows for maximum transfer of sound energy to the neck and to the top of the guitar (through the saddle).

Are bone nuts good?

Bone or Brass nuts for guitar will offer a great balance of durability and tone as the harder material will transfer sound from the string to the neck through the nut slot more easily than less dense materials. Plastic and softer material can have the opposite affect and dampen the sound.

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What is a bone saddle on acoustic guitar?

BONE SADDLES. Bone is the most common and least expensive aftermarket natural material used for saddles. It is denser than any of the synthetic materials and in nearly all cases displays an immediate, noticeable difference after installation. Most of the bone used in today’s guitar saddles comes from Chinese cows or ox …