
Do hard mouse pads ruin your mouse feet?

Do hard mouse pads ruin your mouse feet?

Hard pads do wear out more quickly than cloth pads and also wear out mouse feet faster. However, they do have far less friction than cloth pads and are easier to keep clean.

Are hard mousepads bad?

Hard mouse pads eliminate extra friction, which can greatly increase speed. Without any material catching on the bottom of the mouse, no friction will hold the mouse back from movement. However, because of the lack of friction, stopping suddenly requires skill and control.

Are hard mouse pads better than cloth?

If you have an optical mouse, it will likely work fine on the surface of either a hard or soft mouse pad, but one may feel better than the other. However, if your mouse is designed for gaming, a hard mouse pad will provide greater precision for quick, exact movements.

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Do you need to replace mouse feet?

If you see black bleeding through, or clearly displayed, where your mouse feet are located, it may be time to swap them out. This means that the surface has deteriorated over time and you are in need of a replacement.

When should you change mouse feet?

We at MaxGaming recommend that you change your mouse feet at least once every six months, or sooner if you feel that the slide against the mousepad has worsened.

Is a hard mouse pad better for gaming?

Mouse pads with a hard surface are not for everyone, but they are perfect for certain activities. Because a smooth, hard top creates much less surface resistance than woven cloth ones, hard mouse pads are preferred for games that require a lot of small, fast mouse movement, especially at high DPI.

How long does a hard mouse pad last?

Even if you use it every day, you can expect your mouse pad to last for 5 to 10 years before it has to be replaced.

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Are PTFE mouse feet good?

PTFE mouse feet Since gamers rely on quick movements when playing, the mouse feet must offer the least resistance possible and glide smoothly over most surfaces. The best mouse feet use virgin-grade PTFE because it isn’t mixed with any additives and offers the least friction.

Do pros use aftermarket mouse feet?

“Once they get familiar with a mouse, it’s something that they like to stick to then. But even though all Zowie mice ship with a spare set of mouse feet – or multiple sets, as in the case of the newer EC1-B and EC2-B mice, pros don’t tend to use them: they just replace the mouse entirely.