
Do I have knowledge or have knowledge?

Do I have knowledge or have knowledge?

Get It Right! Knowledge is an uncountable noun, so it is never used in the plural: Knowledge is sometimes used with a, but only in the pattern a knowledge of something (or a good/deep/thorough etc knowledge of something):

How do you use the word knowledge?

Knowledge sentence example

  1. To understand this problem, consider our relationship with knowledge over the centuries.
  2. We are becoming a knowledge economy.
  3. He was noted for his great knowledge , the most of which he had obtained from books.
  4. Good work in language presupposes and depends on a real knowledge of things.

Can you say a lot of knowledge?

To begin with, “lots of knowledge” is quite informal. A more formal way to say it would be “a lot of knowledge”, “much knowledge” etc. Now, “lots of techniques” is even more informal. You will hear native speakers say this kind of thing, but it’s not technically correct.

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Is knowledge a noun or verb?

Knowledge is an uncountable noun and is not used in the plural. You say: He has a lot of technical knowledge. ✗Don’t say: He has a lot of technical knowledges. Knowledge is always followed by a singular verb: Expert knowledge is necessary.

Which is correct knowledge on or knowledge of?

knowledge of something): The usual preposition that follows knowledge is of. Don’t use the prepositions in or on: ✗ It takes more than just knowledge in a subject to succeed. ✓ It takes more than just knowledge of a subject to succeed.

Has good knowledge or has a good knowledge?

Knowledge is sometimes used with a, but only in the pattern a knowledge of something (or a good/deep/thorough etc knowledge of something): Effective use of language necessitates a good knowledge of grammar.

What is knowledge research?

Knowledge is considered as a collection of experience, appropriate information and skilled insight which offers a structure for estimating and integrating new experiences and information. Due to the recent development of science and technology, knowledge becomes an essential part in every organization.

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What is the word for full of knowledge?

or knowl·edg·a·ble possessing or exhibiting knowledge, insight, or understanding; intelligent; well-informed; discerning; perceptive.

What is a synonym for a lot of knowledge?

1 education, enlightenment, erudition, instruction, intelligence, learning, scholarship, schooling, science, tuition, wisdom. 2 ability, apprehension, cognition, comprehension, consciousness, discernment, grasp, judgment, recognition, understanding.

Is knowledge always singular?

Knowledge is an uncountable noun and so it is never used in the plural.

Is a knowledge correct?

Knowledge is an uncountable noun, so it is never used in the plural: ✗ We can exchange our experiences and strengthen our knowledges . ✓ We can exchange our experiences and strengthen our knowledge. Knowledge is sometimes used with a, but only in the pattern a knowledge of something (or a good/deep/thorough etc.

Do you have any knowledge on or of?

2 Answers. “Knowledge on” is not a commonly used form, but “knowledge of” is both common and correct. If you look at this Google nGram chart comparing the two, you will see that “knowledge on” is virtually never used. Personally, as a native English speaker, I have never used “knowledge on” but often use “knowledge of. …