
Do I need to install PHP after Apache?

Do I need to install PHP after Apache?

4 Answers. You can install PHP on the CLI without having Apache installed, but if you want to add PHP support to Apache you have to have it installed first. You can install MySQL before or after the Apache installation.

Can you use PHP with Apache?

PHP support can be added to a number of web servers (IIS, Xitami, and so on), but most commonly Apache HTTP Server is used. Click here for information on how to install and configure Apache 2.2. The PHP engine. The supported version is PHP5.

Does apache run PHP by default?

The Apache server is a must anyone learning PHP programming. By default, the Apache web server uses the httpd. conf configuration file to store its settings. The XAMPP package installs the Apache configuration file in the c:pp\apache\conf folder in Windows or /Applications/XAMPP/apache/conf in macOS .

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Is it necessary to install PHP?

No, if you installed a web server (e.g. Apache) on your computer it will not include PHP. You need to install it if you need it. There are apps such as WAMP and XAMPP that will install Apache, MySQL and PHP on your computer without any hassle.

Does PHP need server?

Instead, you need PHP on a web server. It’s the web server—not the web browser—that can interact with a PHP interpreter. Your browser can handle HTML on its own, but it has to make a request to a web server to deal with PHP scripts. Web browsers handle HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the browser’s own code.

Where do PHP files go in Apache?

The Apache server is a must anyone learning PHP programming. By default, the Apache web server uses the httpd. conf configuration file to store its settings. For Linux and Mac systems, the file is usually stored in the /etc folder structure, often under either /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2 .

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Does PHP need to be installed?

Why does PHP need a server to run?

Your browser cannot Run PHP code like HTML,CS, JavaScript. Hence you need a server that has PHP installed on it,that will run the code. And PHP was designed to be a Server-side language, whereas HTML,CSS,JS, are client side languages. Hence PHP needs a server.