
Do Polish police carry guns?

Do Polish police carry guns?

The Policja (Police) is the national police force of Poland. Officers are routinely armed, and are responsible for the investigation of most ordinary crimes.

Is Poland gun friendly?

Polish law allows firearm ownership under licence for people who can provide an important reason. With approximately 2.5 civilian firearms per 100 people, Poland is the 166th most armed country in the world. Only 0.6\% of citizens have valid firearm permits.

What pistol do Polish police carry?

The P-83 succeeded the P-64 as the sidearm for the Polish Army and police. The P-83 is still in limited use by both the Polish police and the Polish military but it has been mostly replaced by Glock 19 pistols in Police service and partially by the indigenous WIST 94 pistol in the Polish military.

What is the Polish police number?

Poland. The 112 emergency number is an all-service number in Poland like in other EU states, but old numbers that were traditionally designated for emergencies are still in use parallel to 112. Those are 999 for ambulance, 998 for fire brigade and 997 for police.

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Are you allowed to blink in Poland?

Crossings without lights must be treated with caution. Polish law says cars only have to stop if there is somebody already on a crossing, not if they are waiting to cross. Poland has one of the worst road safety records in Europe – don’t take the risk.

Can you carry a knife in Poland?

It is legal to sell, buy, trade and possess any knives, and Polish law does not prohibit carrying a knife in a public place. However, certain prohibitions in possession of so-called “dangerous tools” may apply during mass events.

What sniper rifle does the Polish Army use?

Infantry weapons

Model Origin Type
Knives and bayonets
Sako TRG Finland 7.62mm NATO sniper rifle
Sako TRG M10 SWS Finland 338 Lapua Magnum sniper rifle
WKW Wilk Poland .50 BMG anti-materiel rifle

What weapon does the Polish military use?


FB MSBS Grot 5.56
Type Assault Rifle
Place of origin Poland
Service history
Used by Polish Territorial Defence Forces Representative Honor Guard Battalion of the Polish Armed Forces Polish Border Guard