
Do they actually say this is not a drill?

Do they actually say this is not a drill?

On modern warships, drills are conducted frequently to prepare the crew for some emergency situation or another. Thus, if a real emergency occurs while a drill is being carried out, the announcement “Actual casualty!” or “This is not a drill!” will be given to alert everyone.

What is the sole purpose and importance of the DS role?

Drill sergeants teach new recruits every aspect of Basic Combat Training, which means they have the great responsibility of shaping civilians into the best Soldiers in the world.

What do people mean when they say this is not a drill?

informal. Used to draw attention to a piece of information that is being shared. ‘Burger King now delivers! This is not a drill!

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Where does the phrase This is not a drill come from?

From the use of the phrase in official announcements to distinguish a genuine emergency from a rehearsal of procedures.

Does the Navy have drill sergeants?

The United States Army refers to them as Drill Sergeant. Note: Although in the United States Marine Corps, they are referred to as “sir;” in The United States Army, the recruit must refer to them as “Drill Sergeant.” In the U.S. Navy, they are called Recruit Division Commanders (RDCs).

What does ROM mean in Navy?

Restriction of Movement (ROM) According to NAVADMIN 295/20, personnel executing a Restriction of Movement (ROM) are considered to be in a duty status and ROM periods will not be charged as leave. Leave is the authorized absence of a Sailor from a place of duty, which is chargeable.

What is the meaning of you know the drill?

Definition of know the drill informal. : to know how something is done : to be familiar with a regular process, procedure, etc.

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What does the saying no pack drill mean?

The expression no names, no pack drill comes from the army. It conveys the idea that if nobody is named as being responsible for some error or offence, then nobody can be punished. It’s a warning, or a suggestion, that it would be best to keep quiet to avoid repercussions.