
Do you need a sponsor to join the British army?

Do you need a sponsor to join the British army?

To apply you must have a sponsor who is a permanent resident in the UK who will be ready to support your application. This includes UK and Commonwealth service personnel. Under normal circumstances the applicant usually resides with a sponsor for the period of selection (approximately up to 9 Months).

How do you get a sponsor in the army?

How to Request a Sponsor

  1. Click the “Messages” dropdown menu, and then “DA Form 5434.”
  2. Click “Create New Form.”
  3. Fill out all applicable sections (Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5).
  4. Once completed, your sponsor will be notified and can begin providing you the information to better assist you in your move.
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How do you get a sponsor on Ako?

VII. Sponsors may access their sponsored accounts by clicking on “My Account” in the upper right-hand corner of AKO, and then clicking the “Sponsor Management” button. Sponsors will need to renew unverified contractor and unverified family member accounts every 150 days.

What should I ask army sponsor?

Checklist for An Overseas Sponsor

  • 1) Information About the Installation and Local Area.
  • 2) Immediate Needs on Arrival.
  • 3) Military Housing and Availability of Rentals.
  • 4) Storage Availability.
  • 5) Youth Programs and Childcare.
  • 6) Pet Concerns.
  • 7) Other Overseas Move Concerns.

How long does it take to get a sponsor Army?

The unit will appoint a sponsor within 10 calendar days after the organization receives DA Form 5434 or DA Form 5434-E unless the incoming soldier or civilian employee declines.

Who qualifies for an AKO account?

These users correspond to the following account types: · Contractor · Family Member (user must be in sponsor’s DEERS record to be eligible for an account) · Army Cadet (only available to collegiate cadets: MS I and II) · National Guard Retired · Army Volunteer · Federal Civilian Agencies · Foreign Officer (not a US …

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Can you join the Army without GCSEs?

EDUCATION. There are roles available in the Army range from needing no GCSEs or other qualifications to join, to specialist roles requiring professional qualifications.

Can a non UK citizen join the British Army?

British Army Foreigner Criteria – Join the British Army as a Foreigner If the law does change in 2019, it will likely mean that you do not need to be UK resident to join the British Army. This means that there will be limited spaces for foreign nationals to join the British Army.

Can citizens of Kenya join the British Army?

In this article, we are going to do a highlight how citizens of all commonwealth countries especially Kenya can join the British Army. If you are applying to join the British Army from commonwealth countries ( Kenya included), for most roles, you must have lived in the UK for at least 5 years.

Can you join the British Army if you have piercings?

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Body Piercings. Somebody piercings will stop you from joining the British Army i.e Piercings that change the way you look, like a 4mm flesh tunnel or larger ones. Also it good to note that for health and safety reasons, you will need to take off all jewellery before any physical activity in the application process.

Can I join the British Army if I live in Gambia?

Since Gambia is a member of the commonwealth, yes you are eligible to join. There are two criteria that you must meet: 1. You must have permission the enter the UK. If you have some kind of travel ban which prevents you from entering the UK, then you are not eligible to join the British Army.