
Do you think that the continents are drifting away from one another give reason?

Do you think that the continents are drifting away from one another give reason?

Answer Expert Verified Continents are drifted apart on account of Tectonic Activity. Tectonic activity (tremors, volcanoes, and mountain building when in general) is normal at plates and its boundaries, where the edges of (at least two) plates are in contact along colossal direct zones of faulting.

Is it possible for the continents to move again?

Just as our continents were once all connected in the supercontinent known as Pangea (which separated roughly 200 million years ago), scientists predict that in approximately 200-250 million years from now, the continents will once again come together.

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What causes our continents to move?

The theory of plate tectonics suggests that it is convection currents in the mantle of the earth that causes the movement of the continental plates.

Why are the continents moving so slowly?

As Earth’s tectonic plates move across the planet’s surface, the continents that sit atop them are carried along, sometimes smashing together for many millions of years at a time. As the continents mash against each other, their collision gradually slows.

What do we call the continuously moving part of the earth’s crust?

Plate tectonics
The Earth’s crust and upper part of the mantle are broken into large pieces called tectonic plates. These are constantly moving at a few centimetres each year. Although this doesn’t sound like very much, over millions of years the movement allows whole continents to shift thousands of kilometres apart.

When did the continents stop moving?

This is most dramatically seen between North America and Africa during Pangea’s initial rift some 240 million years ago. At that time, the slabs of rock that carried these present-day continents crawled apart from each other at a rate of a millimeter a year. They remained in this slow phase for about 40 million years.

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What is the general distance that the plates move per year?

The majority of the research shows that the plates move at the average rate of between approximately 0.60 cm/yr to 10 cm/yr.

How long does it take continents to move?

Because tectonic plates move very slowly—only a few centimeters per year, on average—it takes a long time to observe changes. Scientists have found that the planet’s continents will likely again be joined together in about 250 million years.

Which phrase describes the movement of the continents?


Term Part of Speech Definition
continental drift noun the movement of continents resulting from the motion of tectonic plates.
dynamic adjective always changing or in motion.
enormous adjective very large.
fossil noun remnant, impression, or trace of an ancient organism.