
Do you think the amount of positive charge on the glass rod after rubbing it with silk cloth will be equal to the amount of negative charge on the silk?

Do you think the amount of positive charge on the glass rod after rubbing it with silk cloth will be equal to the amount of negative charge on the silk?

When the glass rod is rubbed with silk clothes, glass quickly loses electrons, and silk takes electrons out of the glass rod. So after rubbing, the glass rod becomes positively charged and the silk gets negative charge. On both of them, equal but opposite charges are produced.

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What happens when you charge a rod positively using a cloth?

Choice of the names negative or positive is arbitrary. If you rub a glass rod with a cloth, the charge produced on the glass rod is called positive, whereas when a plastic rod is rubbed with a cloth, the charge produced on the plastic rod is negative.

Why does a glass rod become positively charged when it is rubbed?

Solution: When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, glass rod loses electrons and silk gains electrons. On rubbing together, the glass rod loses 2 electrons and silk gains 2 electrons. Now the glass rod has 8 electrons and 10 protons which makes it positively charged.

Why does a glass rod become positively charged when it is rubbed with a silk cloth quizlet?

Explain. The cloth gains electrons transferred from the glass rod because the glass rod becomes positively charged in the rubbing process by losing negatively charged electrons.

Is glass positively or negatively charged?

Glass happens to lose electrons easily, and silk grabs them away from the glass atoms, so after rubbing the glass becomes positively charged and the silk becomes negatively charged. Plastic has the opposite tendency.

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Why does a positively or negatively charged object have multiples of the fundamental charge?

Why does a positively or negatively charged object have multiples of the fundamental charge? An electron carries a negative charge and can be moved to and from objects relatively easy.

Is cloth positively charged?

What’s the attraction? When a piece of polythene is rubbed with a cloth, it becomes charged. Electrons are ‘rubbed’ off the cloth and onto the polythene by friction. This makes the polythene negatively charged and leaves the cloth positively charged.

How does a glass rod after being rubbed on silk exerts force on another charged object?

Glass happens to lose electrons easily, and silk grabs them away from the glass atoms, so after rubbing the glass becomes positively charged and the silk becomes negatively charged.

When a glass rod is rubbed with a clean neutral rayon cloth the rod becomes positively charged which reasoning is correct?

When you are rubbing the glass rod with the silk cloth, electrons are stripped away from the atoms in the glass and transferred to the silk cloth. This leaves the glass rod with more positive than negative charge, so you get a net positive charge.

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How will a negatively charged particle initially at rest in an electric field tend to move?

the particle will move opposite to the electric line of force passing through it.