
Do you use periods in slideshow?

Do you use periods in slideshow?

Periods tend to show that it is the end of the thought. If you have one slide with periods, all your slides need to have them. Otherwise, the presence or absence of periods may become a distraction.

What are the rules for PowerPoint presentations?

Simple rules for better PowerPoint presentations

  • Don’t read your presentation straight from the slides.
  • Follow the 5/5/5 rule.
  • Don’t forget your audience.
  • Choose readable colors and fonts.
  • Don’t overload your presentation with animations.
  • Use animations sparingly to enhance your presentation.

Do you use complete sentences in PowerPoint?

PowerPoint is NOT a word processor! That means you do not need to even have complete sentences (although it is a bonus if the words are spelled correctly). Simple statements work just fine.

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Should you have a period at the end of a bullet point?

Punctuating Bullet Points. Use a period (full stop) after every bullet point that is a sentence (as these bullets do). Use a period after every bullet point that completes the introductory stem. Use no punctuation after bullets that are not sentences and do not complete the stem.

What is a period in PowerPoint?

Use a period after every bullet point that is a sentence. This means to add a full stop after every bullet point. Use no punctuation after bullets that are not sentences. This includes bullet points like the image above where only single words are displayed on each line.

How do you write a sentence in PowerPoint?

  1. On the Home tab, under Insert, click Text.
  2. On the pop-up menu, click Text Box.
  3. On the slide, click the location where you want to add the text box.
  4. Type or paste your text in the text box.

Should lists have periods?

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Lists. Use a period after numbers or letters in an enumerated list. End each item in an enumerated list with a period if one or more items in the list are complete sentences. (For the sake of parallelism, normally all items or none should be complete sentences.)