
Does a heart murmur cause early death?

Does a heart murmur cause early death?

If left untreated, heart murmurs can put tremendous stress on the heart leading to heart failure, arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death.

What is the survival rate of heart murmurs?

For mortality from diseases of the heart, the crude mortality rate for persons with a heart murmur was 140.4 per 10000 person-years compared to a rate of 34.9 per 10000 person-years for persons without a murmur.

Is a heart murmur life threatening?

Many heart murmurs aren’t life-threatening and don’t need treatment. But other heart murmurs do need treatment because they’re a sign of an underlying problem with your heart. It’s important to remember that if you’ve been diagnosed with a heart murmur, that doesn’t mean you’ll always have it.

What percent of heart murmurs are harmless?

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If you have been told you have a heart murmur, it is more than likely an innocent murmur, or completely harmless. “About 10 percent of adults and 30 percent of children (most between the ages of 3 and 7) have a harmless murmur,” says Dr. Agrawal. “The key is to find the harmful murmurs.

What does heart murmur feel like?

A typical heart murmur sounds like a whooshing noise. According to the American Heart Association, it usually feels like a very subtle extra pulse. Heart murmurs are common, especially among young children.

What happens if a heart murmur gets worse?

When a heart murmur becomes a problem Heart valve abnormalities may lead to one or more problems, such as: Stenosis, or not enough blood getting to the heart, leading to the heart not pumping normally. Regurgitation, or the heart not closing properly, leading to leaking.

Does high blood pressure cause heart murmur?

Heart murmurs can be caused by exercise, fever, phases of rapid growth (like adolescence), pregnancy, excessive thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) or inadequate red blood cells (anemia). Abnormal heart murmurs can be caused by high blood pressure.