
Does DigitalOcean have VPS?

Does DigitalOcean have VPS?

DigitalOcean is one of the most famous VPS services. DigitalOcean has a 1-click installation process for the most famous applictions and operating systems, it provides a global network of data centers and CDN locations. It’s also very reliable and with a 5$/m starting point it’s also convenient.

Does DigitalOcean provide free hosting?

Go to Digital Ocean and sign up.

How can I get free DigitalOcean?

Step 1: Visit, and you will see a “Free Credit Active” banner as shown below. Click the banner. Step 2: Validate the free $100 credit on the signup page and sign up with your email. You need to provide a valid credit card or Paypal payment to activate the free credit.

How do I access VPS?

How do I access my VPS using remote desktop?

  1. On your windows computer, click Start button.
  2. Click on the Accessories menu and click on the Remote Desktop Connection program.
  3. Type in your IP Address of your server in the Computer field.
  4. Type in your username as Administrator and your Administrator password.
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How do I activate my VPS?

5 Steps to Configure Your New VPS and Get It Ready to Use

  1. Step 1: Learn How to Log into Your VPS via Secure Shell (SSH) Access.
  2. Step 2: Update Your Server.
  3. Step 3: Create a New User and Modify Its Privileges.
  4. Step 4: Enable Public Key Authentication.
  5. Step 5: Set Up a Firewall for Your VPS.

Can you host a website on DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean offers a simple, reliable, and easy-to-use cloud hosting solution that enables developers and businesses to get their website or application up and running quickly. Get started in just minutes when you host your website using DigitalOcean’s cloud website hosting.

How do I get a promo code for DigitalOcean?

Now use the hosting coupon codes by PCC below….All the working DigitalOcean Promo Codes & Offers November 2021:

Promo Code Benefits
BITNAMI $10 Off for a New Account
DEPLOY10 / ACTIVATE10 / DONEWS $10 Free Credit When You SignUp
FRANKFURT $10 Credit For SSD Servers
LOWENDBOX / DOPRODUCT15 Free $15 Digital Ocean credits