
Does DPS follow NCERT syllabus?

Does DPS follow NCERT syllabus?

DPS-JC is affiliated to CBSE (CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION). We strictly follow the Syllabus approved by C.B.S.E. as well as the CCE and other rules & regulations as prescribed, like NCERT books and the syllabus, but with a difference in implementation, making it more interesting for the students.

Is CBSE schools follow NCERT books?

Under this rule, it will be compulsory for all CBSE-affiliated private schools to prescribe only NCERT books in their curriculum,” said a senior education department official.

What is difference between NCERT and ICSE?

CBSE and ICSE are boards whereas NCERT is an counsel. CBSE board uses books published by NCERT. CBSE board teaches a bit difficult mathematics whereas ICSE board emphasises on better english teaching.

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Is DPS gUj a good school to study?

So trust me, DPS is amazing and has a charm of its own. You will receive the best of education, teachings, fun and memories. I’m a dipsite, and I love DPS. I’ve studied in DPS Bopal, Ahmadabad. It’s the best school in Guj. It has given best results in past years, maintaining the first rank in CBSE schools in Ahmadabad.

How many DPS teachers participated in the accounting beyond debits and credits?

A webinar was conducted by DPSS-HRDC on the topic ‘Accounting Beyond Debits and Credits: Real-World Perspectives’ 172 teachers from various DPS schools participated. Different Case Studies were discussed to familiarize the teachers with the new business models being practiced around the world.

Why do you want to attend DPS?

But DPS has a charm of its own and it’s not just a tag. Whenever you’ll hear “dipsite” you’ll feel proud of your school. See, any school will do it’s best to offer you all the opportunities to grow and learn, it all depends on you that how you grab those opportunities and become a better version of you.

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Who is the Resource Person of DPSS-HRDC?

Resource Person – Dr. Shital Vekariya, Assistant Professor Department of Accounting and Financial Management, Faculty of Commerce, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. A webinar was conducted by DPSS-HRDC on the topic ‘Ratio Analysis & Accounting Ratios’ Teachers from different DPS schools across India participated.