
Does Flanders like Homer?

Does Flanders like Homer?

Even the Simpsons’ couch came from “the curb outside Flanders’ house”. An early running joke was that Marge considers Flanders to be a perfect neighbor and usually sides with him instead of her husband, which always enrages Homer. Flanders is normally oblivious to Homer’s disdain for him.

What does Flanders say to Homer?

“Hi-Diddily-Ho!” along with “Neighborino” is a common catchphrase by Ned Flanders. Bart Simpson, Homer Simpson, Lisa Simpson and Marge Simpson are central characters and other than them, there are many funny characters like Mr. Quotes by Ned Flanders are often funny so the viewers like his character a lot.

How much older is Ned than Homer?

The Simpsons: How Old Is Ned Flanders? The first clue to Ned’s age can be found in season 8’s episode “Hurricane Neddy”, where a flashback shows him as a kid 30 years earlier. That would mean he’s around the same age as Marge and Homer (that is, 36-38).

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Why does Homer hate Patty and Selma?

In one episode, where Patty stayed at the Simpson house during a fight with Selma despite Homer’s reluctance, Patty privately admitted to Homer that she only mocks him because she is jealous of him having a successful marriage and family with Marge, while all she has is Selma, leaving Homer feeling grateful for her …

Who married Flanders?

Edna Krabappel
Ned Flanders/Spouse

Does Lisa have a catchphrase?

Lisa doesn’t really have any catchphrases, and this is shown as a joke when many Springfieldians use their catchphrases while Lisa dryly says, “If anyone wants me, I’ll be in my room.”

What Marge calls Homer?

The nickname “Homie” is a name what Marge calls Homer when she is happy with him. For example, in the episode Husband and Knives, Marge says “Homie I’m home.” and then surprised him making the room beautiful.

How old is Mr Burns in The Simpsons?

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Burns’ extreme old age is a frequent source of humor on the show. He is occasionally referred to as “Springfield’s oldest resident”; in Season 2’s “Simpson and Delilah”, he told Homer that he is 81, although, in several later episodes, he is shown to be 104.

Does Marge hate Homer?

Marge admits she hates him, not only for losing his driver’s license, but also for now taking her for granted. After the barbecue, Marge tells Homer that she loves him. Homer and the other guests, including Jackson Browne, toast her before Homer turns on the sprinklers once dinner is over to get everyone to clear out.