
Does Hungary offer citizenship by descent?

Does Hungary offer citizenship by descent?

Hungarian citizenship can be acquired by descent from a Hungarian parent, or by naturalisation. A person born in Hungary to foreign parents does not generally acquire Hungarian citizenship. Dual citizenship is permitted under Hungarian law.

What countries grant citizenship based on ancestry?

Countries. Nations that grant citizenship based on a blood ancestry basis, if your parent or grandparent was a citizen, include Ireland, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, Hungary, Greece, and Armenia.

How do I get Hungarian citizenship through ancestry?

You are only required to provide proof of your ancestry, and pass a basic language test. The process is called simplified naturalization, and it takes only a few months – as opposed to the regular process, where you have to be a resident of Hungary for 8 years before you can apply for citizenship.

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Does Hungary offer dual citizenship?

The Hungarian citizenship law is based on the principles of jus sanguinis (“right of blood” in Latin), meaning that a person acquires Hungarian citizenship by birth from a parent who is a Hungarian citizen. Dual citizenship is permitted under Hungarian Law.

Can I get Hungarian citizenship through my child?

Luckily, it’s pretty easy as Hungary follows the jus sanguinis citizenship law. This means that children of Hungarian citizens become Hungarian citizens by birth, no matter where they are a born. That should make it quite simple to determine if one of your ancestors makes you eligible for a Hungarian passport.

Can I get Hungarian citizenship through my great grandparents?

You can apply on the basis of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, or even further generations, being Hungarian. The important bit is to consider whether the ancestor in question was a citizen at the time that the person applying for citizenship was born.

What nationality is Hungary?

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Hungary Magyarország (Hungarian)
Official languages Hungarian
Ethnic groups (microcensus 2016) 98.3\% Hungarians 3.2\% Romani 1.8\% Germans 1\% not declared
Religion (census 2011) 54.3\% Christianity —39.0\% Catholicism —11.8\% Protestantism —3.5\% Other Christian 18.2\% No religion 0.3\% Others 27.2\% No answer