
Does Link have a different name?

Does Link have a different name?

Actually, it’s really not. The truth is that Link doesn’t really have a last name just as Mario never really had a last name. Miyamoto later clarifies that Link isn’t human which would seem to suggest that he’s not bound to a last name.

How many different versions of Link are there?

Without including things like comics or short-lived TV shows, there are still more than just ten different versions of Link to be compared. But the Hero of Hyrule always has a few distinct traits such as the Master Sword and an iconic green tunic. At least, most of the time he has a green tunic.

What are all of the links names?

Here’s the ranking of all the Links, from worst to best.

  • 14 The Non-Canon One (Hyrule Warriors)
  • 13 The Four Who Are One (Four Swords)
  • 12 Hero Of Trains (Spirit Tracks)
  • 11 Hero Of The Minish (Minish Cap)
  • 10 The New Hero Of Hyrule (A Link Between Worlds, Tri-Force Heroes)
  • 9 Hero Of The Wild (Breath Of The Wild)
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Is Wind Waker Link related to Ocarina of Time Link?

So, yes, The Wind Waker’s Link has no literal bloodline connection to Ocarina of Time’s Link, although I’m inclined to think there may have been some closeness between the earlier Link and the later one’s ancestors, seeing as in The Wind Waker he grew up on an island with some obvious heritage leading back to the Hero …

Is Link the strongest champion?

Breath of The Wild (in my opinion) has the most powerful link to date. Canonically said link has slain a Lionel and wielded the master sword as a CHILD and has single handedly defeated a guardian with a pot lid. He has also wields the power of the four champions of Hyrule.

Is Link reincarnated?

Each link embodies the Hero’s Spirit which is unmalleable by all accounts so it remains pure and all that stuff. Link doesn’t have real reincarnation cuz he doesn’t know about his past selves except as legends or myths or similar.

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Is link a descendant or reincarnation?

Link in TP is a descendant of the Link who went through Majora’s Mask. In WW, Adult Link was sent back in time, and so disappeared from the timeline. He couldn’t have created descendants in that timeline. And don’t forget that Link died in OoT so he couldn’t have descendants in the fall timeline either.