
Does LOONA have official positions?

Does LOONA have official positions?

Not sure why this doesn’t happen with TXT, but in Loona’s case, their company gives the most lines to the most popular members. The “no official positions” does work in some groups, though, such as Rocket Punch.

What is wrong with HaSeul LOONA?

Back in February of 2020, LOONA released their album “#,” including the music video of “So What.” Due to mental health issues, the member HaSeul was back and forth in 2019, taking breaks from promotion until in 2020 it was confirmed she was diagnosed with anxiety disorder.

Is Vivi the leader of LOONA?

Loona has a leader line formed by Haseul, Kim Lip and Yves the leaders of their subunits still during their predebut project Haseul herself, the members and BBC on sns posts and Loona TV would refer to Haseul as the leader of the group thats why fans see Haseul as the overall leader.

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Is HaSeul apart of LOONA?

HaSeul (Hangul: 하슬) is the third revealed member of LOONA and a member of its first sub-unit, LOONA 1/3. She was born as Cho Ha-seul (Hangul: 조하슬) on August 18, 1997, in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province, South Korea.

What are the roles in LOONA?

– Yves’s ring size is 12. – She prefers to be called Sooyoungie. – Yves said that if she could choose another solo song, she’d choose Go Won’s. – Yves, Chuu, Go Won and Olivia Hye share a room.

Who is LOONA leader?

HaSeul is the main leader of LOONA, while Kim Lip acts as the MC, and Yves leads during dance practices. Since HaSeul is on hiatus, Kim Lip also took over as the group’s leader by leading the greetings. She continued the role after HaSeul’s return.

What happened to Jo Haseul?

Haseul recently went to the hospital to receive treatment for symptoms of anxiety. There she was diagnosed with recurring anxiety, and her doctor recommended that she receive treatment to make a full recovery. Haseul will be spending time with her family and her group members and focus her strength on recovering.

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Who is the leader of LOONA 2020?

HaSeul is the main leader of LOONA, while Kim Lip acts as the MC, and Yves leads during dance practices.

Is ViVi a robot LOONA?

With “Love&Live,” we learn that Vivi is a “robot.” She is emotionless and needs to be “charged” to fully function.

What animal is HaSeul LOONA?

As theorized, since HaSeul represents the white dove, a symbol of peace, she must choose between peace and harmony or learning the truth about the LOONAVERSE and gaining knowledge. (As explained above in the Let Me In) HaSeul chooses truth, and decides to kill the white dove, or kill the peace.

Who is LOONA’s main vocalist?

Loona/Lead singers