
Does Obi-Wan have depression?

Does Obi-Wan have depression?

Obi-Wan was most likely depressed and felt the loss greatly when he lost his closest friend, especially when done by his own hand. But he never forgot the good in Anakin, and always spoke of him in very high esteem.

Did Vader have PTSD?

His background as a child-slave appears to have left him with a legacy of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well, with repeated episodes of ‘dissociation’ occurring throughout the films, they said.

Did Obi-Wan age normally?

Originally Answered: Why was Obi-wan Kenobi so old in episode 4? Obi-Wan is actually age appropriate if you look at the actors. Alec Guinness was only in his early 60s when filming. Ewan McGregor was in his early 30s filming Revenge of the Sith.

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Did Obi-Wan have feelings for someone?

Obi-Wan Kenobi was in love As a matter of fact, Obi-Wan was in love with Duchess Satine Kryze, and even told her at one point, “Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi Order.” We may see more of the emotional side of Obi-Wan in this upcoming series and you need to know that he has, in fact, loved before.

Did Anakin Skywalker have depression?

The diagnosis came to Bui, a Star Wars fan, as he watched the series. Carolyn Kaufman, a clinical psychologist in Columbus, Ohio, said the diagnosis holds up in many ways, although Skywalker might also suffer from histrionic personality disorder and bipolar disorder (manic depression).

Is Anakin Skywalker a psychopath?

But if we stick to the movies, Anakin Skywalker comes across very clearly as a power-hungry sociopath incapable of true love. Perhaps the only reason why he betrays the evil Emperor in Return of the Jedi isn’t an act of love for Luke, but instead, deep shame for his own dark, dark soul.

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Does Anakin have a mental illness?

A recent study found that Anakin Skywalker’s turn to the dark side was the result of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

Did Padme sleep with Obi-Wan?

No, they did not. In the original writing for the prequels, there was talk of making Padme a romantic interest for Obi Wan, so that his conflicts with Anakin would not only be about his interpretation of the Jedi way, but there would be a subtext of jealousy. So it was discussed and eventually dismissed.