
Does OkCupid automatically deactivate?

Does OkCupid automatically deactivate?

Please note that our Privacy Policy means we do automatically close accounts after a period of inactivity. If you have not accessed your account in over a year and cannot log in, that may be why.

What happens when you get blocked on OkCupid?

Blocked people also cannot message you. If you’ve liked someone but are having second thoughts, you can Unmatch. This will do the same thing. We do not tell someone that you have blocked or unmatched with them- you simply disappear everywhere for them, including any conversations you may have had with them.

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Does OkCupid delete inactive accounts?

Hi Katie. Our privacy policy states that we delete accounts if they’ve been inactive for more than two years (that’s no logins at all). You can contact us at and we can help walk you through options, though.

How do I know if my OKCupid account is banned?

OkCupid won’t disclose the reason for the suspension or ban. The only way you can find out what happened is to review the terms of use. If you did nothing to violate the rules, your account was probably reported.

How do I know if Im blocked on OKCupid?

You can view your blocked/unmatched users on the app by tapping on your profile, then on Account Settings. From there, tap on Privacy, then on Blocked & Unmatched.

How do I know if my OkCupid account is deleted?

We don’t tell anyone you’ve deleted your account when you do, your profile and messages will simply disappear like you never had an account.

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Why is my OkCupid account suspended on weekends?

A couple things to note: On their website, OKCupid states that they don’t work weekends or holidays. Give them time to investigate your alleged violation. If you’ve been suspended, and it’s not because of multiple accounts being logged into from the same IP address, you might need to rethink how you interact with people.

What happens when you block someone on OkCupid?

If the two of you have exchanged messages back and forth before blocking, after blocking, you both will show up as inactive users, meaning no further communication can be made. Well no further communication until the block is removed. OKCupid also has an option to “Hide”, this is different from blocking. If you opt to hide a Yes.

Can I get my OkCupid account reinstated?

If you always act in a socially acceptable manner, they would have no proof of the alleged violation and your account should be reinstated shortly. A couple things to note: On their website, OKCupid states that they don’t work weekends or holidays. Give them time to investigate your alleged violation.

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Why can’t I log in to OK Cupid?

Go to your WiFi settings and turn your WiFi OFF. This blocks the IP address from your home or office internet or whichever IP address was used prior to suspension. Login normally but I use FB. Go to Safari or Chrome and access OK Cupid from there! Refresh the page if it any issues.