
Does TCS ask repeated coding questions?

Does TCS ask repeated coding questions?

If you have any Review, you can submit it here. Got placed in TCS last year. Questions are repeated, just go through the placement paper of m4maths and u can surely give good results in the placement.

Does TCS have coding round?

Coding Round: This is a technical coding round. It consists of 1 to 2 questions and the time allotted is 20 minutes. You can refer to the Practice Section to explore the questions asked in TCS.

What kind of coding questions are asked in TCS?


  • TCS Command Line Arguments – Fibonacci Series.
  • TCS Command Line Program to Swap two numbers.
  • TCS String Reversal Using Command Line Programming.
  • Greatest of Two Numbers using CLP.
  • LCM of Two Number using CLP.
  • Average of Two Numbers.
  • Sum of Digits of a number.
  • Area of a Triangle.
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Is Cracking TCS interview tough?

Candidates can also crack the interview rounds if they can remain calm and confident without showing any disrespect to the panel. The TCS interview is not impossible to crack and with the right preparation, it can be achieved. Preparing for this interview can be made easier by using the data provided by ConduiraOnline.

Is it difficult to get into TCS?

While the recruitment process may seem quite rigorous, a few weeks of preparation could give you a good shot at getting selected. So prepare well and apply. It could be an ideal launch pad for your career!

Is Java necessary for TCS Nqt?

10 Programming Questions were asked in the last year TCS NQT 2020 test (7 MCQs and 3 FIBs). On the whole, sharpening your basics of C, C++, and Java is mandatory. To revise your knowledge, all you need to do is attend some tutorials and practice tasks related to them.

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Is coding mandatory for TCS ninja?

Answer: The answer to this question is No. As the company needs both IT and Non-IT students it will not include command line arguments questions into coding section where there is no choice. So, Non-IT students, there is no need to get panic regarding this.