
Does the cells of an elephant would be larger than the cells of a rat?

Does the cells of an elephant would be larger than the cells of a rat?

No. The cells of an elephant is not larger than the cells of a rat because their cells number will increase.It means Elephant has more number of cells compared to cells of a rat.

Do you think the cells of an element elephant would be larger than the cells of a rat explain briefly?

The cells of an elephant would be of the same size as the cells of a rat. The size of cells does not vary within the organisms, however, the number of cells varies from one organism to another. A larger animal like an elephant will have the number of cells as compared to a smaller animal like a rat.

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Are elephant cells larger than human cells?

Cells of human beings and elephants almost have the same size . Cells of most animals are of same size but the number of cells vary from one organisms to another on the basis of their body size. So their is no difference in size of the cells but the difference is only in the number of cells. …

Are the cell in an elephant bigger or smaller or about the same size as those in a mouse?

But red blood cells are the same size whether they are in a mouse or an elephant. The reason brain and fat cells grow bigger could be because they live longer and have important long-term functions. In these cases, the properties of the cell are linked to the whole organism.

Do larger animals have larger cells or more cells?

The individual cells that compose all of their bodies–from shrews to people to dinosaurs–are roughly the same size. Big animals just have many more cells than little animals.

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Which one has advantage a small cell or a bigger cell?

Cell size is limited by a cell’s surface area to volume ratio. A smaller cell is more effective and transporting materials, including waste products, than a larger cell.

Are the cells of a larger than the cells of an ant?

The size of the cell has no function in effecting the size of cells of an animal or a creature. It is the number of cells that actually important matter and has an active function. The size of cells of both whale and ant is the same.