
Does your name affect employment?

Does your name affect employment?

For instance, research has shown that having an easy-to-pronounce name makes people like you more, and having a common name can increase your likelihood of getting hired. Know, too, that some hiring managers may make judgments based on conscious or unconscious race or gender bias.

What are some reasons why someone’s name can affect their ability to be hired?

A lot, according to research. Your name can have a huge influence on your prospects in life. Much of this is due to bias, stereotyping and other rules of thumb that people employ when making judgements about others. In hiring this can be a huge problem.

Does name matter for jobs?

(Answer: Yes! Listening now.) Names do matter. A 2003 study showed that when job interviewers had nothing to go on except resumes, people with “white”-sounding names were 50 percent more likely to get interviews than people with names associated with African-Americans.

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Is it harder to get a job with a foreign name?

Job seekers with foreign-sounding names have to send out twice as many resumes as candidates with “native” names before landing an interview. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development found that a foreign name makes the job search harder for applicants across all 17 developed countries it surveyed.

How does changing your name affect you?

You probably expect to need to update your Social Security information and your credit cards, but there are plenty of other people who need to know about your new name as well. “A name change can have an impact on your taxes. All the names on your tax return must match Social Security Administration records.

Can you apply for a job with a different name?

In short, you can use your chosen or preferred name throughout your job search, as long as you provide your legal name when it comes time for a background check. (If you don’t provide current or prior legal names at that point, it can be seen as lying on the application, and grounds for firing.)

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Can I shorten my name on CV?

Is it Okay to Use Your Nickname on Your Resume? Nicknames are perfectly acceptable to put on a resume as long as they aren’t too informal. Using “Dan” as the shortened version of “Daniel” is just fine, but shortening “Benjamin” into “Jamster” is not (even if, God forbid, that’s what you like to be called).