
How accurate is phone GPS data?

How accurate is phone GPS data?

For example, GPS-enabled smartphones are typically accurate to within a 4.9 m (16 ft.) High-end users boost GPS accuracy with dual-frequency receivers and/or augmentation systems. These can enable real-time positioning within a few centimeters, and long-term measurements at the millimeter level.

Is GPS 100\% accurate?

Ultimately, most GPS tracking devices are accurate to within three meters, allowing users to have fairly accurate location information. While operating in low-accuracy areas can negatively affect your results, GPS tracking technology has evolved to ensure stronger signals and greater accuracy.

Which mobile device has the best GPS accuracy?

In the smartphone’s accuracy estimation, the research shows that Samsung Galaxy performs the best with an undervalued rate of -67.3\%. In the second position, iPhone holds the best GPS accuracy ranking with overvalue rate of accuracy of 130.2\%.

How can I improve my phone’s accuracy?

Android 11 & lower

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Touch and hold Location . If you don’t find Location : Tap Edit or Settings . Drag Location into your Quick Settings.
  3. Tap Advanced. Google Location Accuracy.
  4. Turn Improve Location Accuracy on or off.
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How accurate is GPS on Android phones?

A typical accuracy for a hand-held GPS device would be something like 30\% of your measurements within 50 meters of the true position (yes, the devices are typically that inaccurate).

How can I make my phone GPS less accurate?

Turn your phone’s location accuracy on or off

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  2. Touch and hold Location . If you don’t find Location : Tap Edit or Settings . Drag Location into your Quick Settings.
  3. Tap Location Services. Google Location Accuracy.
  4. Turn Improve Location Accuracy on or off.