
How are the peninsular rivers of India different from those of the Himalayas give any three points of distinction Class 9?

How are the peninsular rivers of India different from those of the Himalayas give any three points of distinction Class 9?

Himalayan rivers are ‘perennial’, they flow ‘throughout’ the year without drying up where as the peninsular rivers aren’t perennial they don’t flow throughout the year.

What are Himalayan rivers and peninsular rivers?

The Himalayan Rivers: Perennial rivers: The Indus, The Ganga, The Brahmaputra and their tributaries. The Peninsular Rivers: Non-Perennial rivers: Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna, the Cauvery, the Narmada and the Tapi and their tributaries.

What is the difference between perennial rivers and peninsular rivers?

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Answer: Peninsular rivers are those which originate from peninsular India( central India/ Eastern ghat,Westernghat etc. Plateau) these are rain-fed seasonal rivers and are non perennial in nature. Perennial rivers are those which flows all year around and originates from glacier/ snow melt water.

What is the difference between the Himalayan rivers and the Deccan Plateau rivers?

The Himalayan rivers have large basins and large catchment areas. The Deccan rivers have small basins and small catchment areas. While the Himalayan rivers irrigate the Northern Indian Plains, the Deccan rivers irrigate the peninsular Plateau of India. The bed rocks of the Deccan rivers are hard.

What is the main difference between Himalayan river and peninsular river?

The difference between the Himalayan and peninsular rivers are tabulated below

The Himalayan rivers The Peninsular rivers
These rivers obtain water from rain as well as from melted snow from high mountains. The flow of these rivers is based on rainfall.

Is the significant difference between the Himalayan and the peninsular rivers?

The Peninsular rivers rise at much lower heights in the Western Ghats whereas the Himalayan river originates at high elevations. The Peninsular rivers are non-perennial which means they receive water from glacier and rainfall whereas Himalayan rivers are perennial which means they are seasonal-dependent on monsoon.

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What is the significant difference between Himalayan and peninsular rivers?

Himalayan Rivers Peninsular Rivers
These are perennial rivers. These are seasonal rivers.
They receive water from rain as well as from melted snow from the lofty mountains. These rivers are dependent upon rainfall. During the dry season, even the large rivers have reduced flow of water

What is the main difference between Himalayan and peninsular river?

What is the difference between the rivers of the Deccan plateau and the northern Plains?

Rivers of Deccan plateau originate from Western Ghats where as Rivers of Northern plains originates in snow capped glaciers in Himalayas because they get water form snow glaciers which melts in summer season therefore they are perennial.

What is the difference between northern plains and Deccan plateau?

1) The soil of the Northern Plains is light in color while the soil of the Deccan Plateau is dark in color. 2) The soil of the Northern Plains is sandy while the soil of the Deccan Plateau is clayey. 3) The soil of the Northern Plains is porous whereas the soil of the Deccan Plateau is non-porous.

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How are peninsular rivers different from Himalayan rivers Class 9?

Himalayan rivers are perennial and flow the throughout the year. A large number of peninsular rivers are seasonal and flow during a certain period in a year. They receive water from rainfall and melting snow of the mountains and glaciers. The Himalayan rivers have long courses.

What are the important characteristics of Himalayan rivers How are these different from peninsular rivers?

The Peninsular Rivers:

Himalayan Rivers Peninsular Rivers
They are perennial in nature, flow throughout the year. They are seasonal and non-perennial so may not flow throughout the year.
They are fed by the meltwater from glaciers and rains. They are fed only by rains.
They form V-shaped valleys. They form U-shaped valleys.