
How big is Africa compared to the US?

How big is Africa compared to the US?

Africa is 3.07 times as big as United States At about 30.3 million km2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers 6\% of Earth’s total surface area and 20\% of its land area.

Is Africa bigger than the United States?

The African continent has a land area of 30.37 million sq km (11.7 million sq mi) — enough to fit in the U.S., China, India, Japan, Mexico, and many European nations, combined….A Geographical Jigsaw.

Country United States
Land Area (sq. km) 9.83 million
Land Area (sq. mi) 3.80 million
\% of Africa 32.4\%

What country is the same size as Africa?

Africa is bigger than China, India, the contiguous U.S. and most of Europe—combined! Look at the usual flat map of the world and it appears that Greenland is nearly as big as Africa. But it’s not even close….Top 15 countries.

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(Africa) 30.4
DR Congo 2.3
Greenland 2.2
Saudi Arabia 2.1
Mexico 2.0

How much bigger is Africa than the rest of the world?

Africa is the world’s second-largest continent with 11,508,000 square miles (30,065,000 square kilometers) of land, making up 20.3\% of the Earth’s total land area. Below are the rest of the continents from next largest to smallest by land area: North America – 9,365,000 sq.

Can Russia fit in Africa?

Africa is 1.77 times as big as Russia At about 30.3 million km2 (11.7 million square miles) including adjacent islands, it covers 6\% of Earth’s total surface area and 20\% of its land area.

What is bigger Africa or Russia?

mi (17 million km2), Russia is the world’s largest country. But Mercator makes it look larger than it is. Drag and drop it near the equator, and you see how truly huge Africa is: at 11.73 million sq. mi (30.37 million km2), it is almost twice the size of Russia.

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Is China bigger than the Africa?

Indeed, Africa is 3 times bigger than China. China is the third (or fourth biggest country, depending on the definintion) in the world with an area of 6.4\% of the total of the world.