
How big of a tank does a betta and guppy need?

How big of a tank does a betta and guppy need?

As a rule of thumb, you want to have one gallon of water for every fish in your tank. However, as you’ll also be housing a betta with your guppies you’re going to want a bit of extra room. Personally, I wouldn’t go any smaller than a 10-gallon tank that houses 1 betta and 3 guppies.

Which fish can live with betta?

Best Betta Fish Tank Mates: What Fish Can Live With Bettas?

  • Cory catfish.
  • Neon and ember tetras.
  • Ghost shrimp.
  • African dwarf frogs.
  • Guppies.
  • Kuhli loaches.

How many guppies can I put in a 5 gallon tank with a betta?

Minimum two and a maximum of five guppies can fit into a 5-gallon fish tank, but the latter is only recommended to experienced men and women.

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Can guppies live with other fish?

Guppies are great community fish, getting along with many other like tempered fish. The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. Large predatory fish, fish that nip fins, and aggressive fish are bad companions for guppies.

Can two betta fish live together?

Can two betta fish live together? Yes. You can keep two bettas together, provided they are not both male. Keeping two males together will surely end in a fight to the death.

How many guppies can you keep together?

You can keep one Guppy per 2 gallons of water; for example, you can keep 5 in a 10-gallon tank and 10 in a 20-gallon tank. If you choose to keep both males and females, keep them at a ratio of 2:1.

Can you keep one guppy?

As guppies are usually seen in groups, many new fish keepers wonder whether they can keep one guppy on its own. It’s absolutely fine to keep one guppy alone, particularly if you own a very small tank which would cause cramped conditions if you were to keep several.

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What fish can live with guppy fish?

If you want to house your guppies with other fish, here are 15 fish that are compatible with guppies:

  • Swordtails. Swordtail Fish – Wojciech J.
  • Platies. Platy Fish.
  • Mollies. Molly Fish.
  • Cory Catfish. Cory Catfish.
  • Honey Gouramis. Honey Gourami (source)
  • Harlequin Rasboras.
  • Cardinal Tetra.
  • Bristlenose Pleco.

What fish can go in with bettas?

The California Betta Society recommends neon tetras and mollies. Aquarist Josh Day agrees, and adds swordtails to the list. Other peaceful, tropical minnow fish which may work with male bettas include cardinal tetras, glowlight tetras, dwarf rasporas and golden barbs.

Can GloFish live with bettas?

Neon tetras and glo fish should be okay in a tank with the betta as long as you have at least a 10 gallon and have a school of them. Sometimes danios (glo fish included) will bother other fish with they don’t have a school of their own kind to pick on.

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Can a female betta fish and a GUPPY live together?

Female Bettas & Female Guppies This is the best combination of guppies and bettas you can have in your tank. While female bettas are still aggressive, they won’t be as aggressive as males. And female guppies are less likely to trigger aggression in female bettas.

How do you mate a betta fish?

Do not house males and females together until just before mating. Place them in the same tank only when breeding is imminent. There should be plenty of hiding places for the female, because the male is territorial even in the presence of a female betta.