
How can add data in database using JavaScript?

How can add data in database using JavaScript?

Create a js file named “insertall” in DBexample folder and put the following data into it:

  1. var mysql = require(‘mysql’);
  2. var con = mysql. createConnection({
  3. host: “localhost”,
  4. user: “root”,
  5. password: “12345”,
  6. database: “javatpoint”
  7. });
  8. con. connect(function(err) {

Can JavaScript interact with MySQL?

If you want to connect to a MySQL database using JavaScript, you can use Node. js and a library called mysql. You can create queries, and get results as an array of registers. If you want to try it, you can use my project generator to create a backend and choose MySQL as the database to connect.

How use JavaScript variable in php MySQL query?

How store JavaScript value in database?

One thing you could do is change your span tags to input tags and then just change your JavaScript to set the value attribute instead of the innerText . Then when you submit the form, it will pass those values to your PHP script.

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How does JavaScript connect to database?

Connect to a MySQL Database with JavaScript

  1. Step 1: Import the provided application package file: After importing the package, the app will be assigned an API Key, which you can see in the Apps tab. This API Key is needed to set up the app.
  2. Step 2: Configure CORS. Navigate to the Config tab and select CORS.

Can I use JavaScript variable in PHP?

You can easily get the JavaScript variable value on the same page in PHP.

How set PHP variable to JavaScript variable?

Write a script tag and inside it, write a PHP tag. Inside the PHP tag, echo a JavaScript variable jsvar . Assign the PHP variable $var to jsvar . Do not forget a quote wrapped around the $var and a semicolon after it.