
How can I correct my father name in CBSE 10th Marksheet?

How can I correct my father name in CBSE 10th Marksheet?

For correcting your father name in the mark sheet of class 10, you need to request the principal of your school or any other equivalent authority who can help you with the correction. Necessary documents have to be submitted within the stipulated time with an application for the name correction.

How can I correct my CBSE Marksheet online?

Steps how to correct CBSE Marksheet online

  1. First of all, students need to visit on CBSE official website @
  2. Download the mark sheet correction application form and take its print.
  3. Or look for online portal for Mark sheet correction.
  4. Fill up the Correction Application Form with all correct details.
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How can I change father name in 10th and 12th certificate?

For correction of your name or your Father’s name in the 10th or 12th marksheet you have to go to your school principal and tell him about your problem then he/she will talk with with board council for the correction of the name and also for reissuing the marksheet.

How can I change my name in 12th Marksheet board?

—- you just need to go to the board office with leaving certificate and other docuements which serve as a prove to you name’s spelling and will simply give you a new one with correct name.. Hari om , If they have wrongly written your name , you can go to 12th board office & request for changing the required details.

How can I change my name in 10th Marksheet CBSE after 10 years?

How to correct name in CBSE Marksheet?

  1. 1) Collect Application Form. Students can take application form for name correction in the CBSE Marksheet from the official website of the Board, i.e.
  2. 2) Fill up the Application Form. Enter all the details correctly.
  3. 3) Required Document.
  4. 4) Fees Amount.
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How can I correct my father’s name in the 10th marksheet?

For correction of your name or your Father’s name in the 10th or 12th marksheet you have to go to your school principal and tell him about your problem then he/she will talk with with board council for the correction of the name and also for reissuing the marksheet.

How to correct name in CBSE marksheet 2021?

Students can get their name corrected in the CBSE marksheet following the steps mentioned below: Students can take application form for name correction in the CBSE Marksheet from the official website of the Board, i.e. The forms are also available at the admission department of their respective school. Enter all the details correctly.

How to change father’s or mother’s name in CBSE marksheet / certificate?

How to Change your Father’s or Mother’s Name in CBSE Marksheet / Certificate? Step 1 : Downloading & Printing the Application Form. Download the Application form given below and Take a printout of… Step 2 : Reading the Instructions & Filling up the Form. Read the instructions given at the bottom

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What to do if your name is spelled wrong in CBSE?

Either your name is spelled incorrectly or father’s name or mother’s name is mentioned incorrectly in the marksheet, CBSE provides correction option to students for the same. Gone are the days when Making corrections in the marksheet used to be a hectic task.