
How can I delete my mobile number in PNB?

How can I delete my mobile number in PNB?

How to Update/ Change your Registered Mobile Number in Punjab National Bank?

  1. Step 1: Approach home branch of Punjab National Bank where you maintain your account.
  2. Step 2: Obtain KYC Details Change form.
  3. Step 3: Fill up KYC Details Change form.
  4. Step 4: Submit KYC Details Change form along with necessary documents.

How do I remove my phone number from my bank account online?

Click on ‘Status’ tab to view the present status (Pending/Successful) of your request to change mobile number through INB. If you want to cancel the request, please click on ‘Cancel Request’ tab and choose the request. Click on ‘Cancel Request’ button to cancel the request.

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How can I change my registered mobile no in PNB?

For updating your mobile number in mobile banking, you have to visit your nearest branch and submit request for updation of mobile number. With new registered mobile number, you have to activate mobile banking again: enter your user id -> enter OTP -> activate mobile banking.

How do I delete my mobile banking account?

Android Phone

  1. Open the Dext mobile app.
  2. Press the Menu button in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Press the Accounts menu.
  4. Select the account you want to remove.
  5. Press the sign-out button.
  6. Confirm that you want to sign-out.

Can I change my mobile number in any branch?

Any resident retail Internet Banking account holder having active ATM cum Debit card and which is mapped with internet banking can change his or her mobile number entirely online without visiting branch.

How can I register my mobile no in PNB online?

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Online Registration for Retail Internet Banking:

  1. Visit
  2. Click on Retail –>> User New User.
  3. Select Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/Both.
  4. Enter Account Number & Select “Type of Facility” (View Only or View & Transaction).
  5. Enter OTP (One Time password), received on your registered Mobile Number.

How can I remove registered device from PNB mobile app?

Visit your branch of account or call the bank’s customer service at (632) 573-8888 and request for removal of the registered device in PNB Mobile Banking App.

How do I delete my UPI ID from my bank account?

How to delete upi id Select UPI settings in ‘My Account’ section. Select UPI linked bank accounts option. Click on the three dots and select the option to track bank account. Edit the upi id and delete Deleting UPI id shall deactivate it and delete all bank accounts!