
How can I delete my previous employment details in NSR?

How can I delete my previous employment details in NSR?

To delete previous employment details: In Previous Employment section, select the details to be deleted, and then click Delete.

Is NSR profile mandatory?

Is NSR Registration Mandatory? Although, NSR registration is not a mandatory requirement but it do has a lot advantages, as explained above. Aspiring professionals must therefore go for NSR registration.

Can we change details in NSR?

1) Modification of profile information: NSR provides you the access to view and update your profile. However, if any information of your profile is background checked and results of background checks are posted , that information cannot be edited by you. NSR profile will maintain both the old as well as new address.

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What is NSR in Accenture?

Welcome to National Skills Registry. Join NSR. Companies / Participating companies. Accenture.

What should be filled in employment details in NSR?

When employees of a company register for NSR they will mention name of the company as present employer and details of employee ID, date of joining and designation etc. This can be done by file upload as well as by on – screen confirmation.

What is NSR and why it is important?

NSR facilitates development of Fact Sheet of Credible, Permanent and Accessible information about each registered person. This information can be accessed and used by the industry and its clients with the authorization of such registered person. NSR is a progressive and positive initiative.

How can I reactivate NSR?

You can access your profile by using “Complete your Registration” option on NSR website and entering your “Acknowledgement Number” issued by NSR system and Log-in password set-up by you. You can generate your NSR Acknowledgement Form.

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What is the benefit of NSR profile?

Benefits of NSR Registration Enhanced credibility of registered and verified information. No hassles of repeat background check for each employment, thereby speeding up joining formalities. Transparent Background Verification Process. Deterrent for competing job applicants with inflated and faked profiles.

Will NSR do background check?

Background check may be requested by the present employer company or by a NSR Subscriber company authorised by the registered professional or by the professional himself / herself. In this case as the verification is requested by the professional, the verification charges will be payable by him/her to the EBC directly.