
How can I download my provisional certificate from Mumbai University?

How can I download my provisional certificate from Mumbai University?

I’ll just write down the steps you need to follow to get a provisional degree certificate:

  1. Go to Mumbai University[kalina campus]> Examination Hall> 2nd window to the left of the entrance.
  2. Tell the guy you want a PDC and he will give you a form+receipt+pass.

How can I get provisional certificate from Mumbai University?

  1. Go to Mumbai University, Santacruz Kalina, Dr.
  2. Take a Migration Application Form from the Office Staff along with payment Challan copies (3 Challan Copies – 1st for University office use, 2nd for the Bank, 3rd for College ).
  3. Fill the MC Form properly with duly signed by the Student and get.
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How can I get old result from Mumbai University?

How to Check /PDF Download Old Result of Mumbai University

  1. Home page of official website will appear on screen.
  2. Then Click on Examination tab.
  3. Now click on Results link.
  4. Select your respective course.
  5. Now you can see the program code along with the name of the examination.
  6. Click on it and download a pdf file.

How can I get my degree certificate from Mumbai University?

Approach the college from which you graduated, they can request the degree certificate on your behalf. This is faster way will take 4–5 weeks and 1 trip to university of Mumbai and 2 trips to your college.

What is the procedure for non submission of first degree certificate?

Non submission of First Degree certificate required for Masters Degree results etc. PROCEDURE : 1 Apply for declaration of result through respective college / Institution with a copy of statement of marks of lower examination, first-degree certificate, certificate of eligibility / Transfer etc. whatever is applicable.

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Where can I get a copy of my marksheet from Mumbai University?

You may visit there with your original marksheets, id proof etc to the ChurchGate office. It usually takes like a week or so. You can collect it from Mumbai University office, which is in Kalina, Santacruz or Fort. It’s better to call your college and ask from which office you can get it and the further process.

How to pay fees to University of Mumbai in India?

4. Fees must be paid by crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai in the name of “Finance & Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai” except (e) (g) or in cash at the designated Bank. 5. Period required for issue of the duplicate copy.