
How can I find old dictionaries?

How can I find old dictionaries?

5 Answers. For old dictionaries, you can go to the Gutenberg Project and search for dictionaries. There are some old ones there. An alternative to using dictionaries for investigating meaning change over time is to look at actual examples of how words are used over time.

What is the Web oldest dictionary?

The oldest known dictionaries were cuneiform tablets with bilingual Sumerian–Akkadian wordlists, discovered in Ebla (modern Syria) and dated to roughly 2300 BCE, the time of the Akkadian Empire. The early 2nd millennium BCE Urra=hubullu glossary is the canonical Babylonian version of such bilingual Sumerian wordlists.

What is the best dictionary website?

The 10 Best Online Dictionaries

  • Wiktionary.
  • Google Dictionary.
  • The Free Dictionary.
  • Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Cambridge Dictionary Online.
  • Visuwords.
  • Wordia.
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What is the oldest American dictionary?

In 1806 Webster published A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, the first truly American dictionary. …

Are old dictionaries worth anything?

As a general rule, most old encyclopedias and dictionaries have very little market value. Seems such a shame to see wonderful references going to the waste bin. Most of these are essentially worthless but crafters sometimes are interested in using the pictures.

Where can I buy the 1828 Webster Dictionary?

Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language –

What is the name of the online dictionary?

Google Dictionary Google dictionary is one of the most famous dictionaries since it boasts one of the most comprehensive online word directories.

When was the Merriam-Webster Dictionary published online?

Merriam-Webster OnLine was launched in 1996 at, and has quickly become the language center on the World Wide Web.

Is there a market for old dictionaries?

It seems that lots of people have old books/maps/etc they may think are valuable and would like to sell. As a general rule, most old encyclopedias and dictionaries have very little market value.

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Are dictionaries still used?

Of course, there is plenty that dictionaries still do well. Online dictionaries provide most of the definition links that pop up in Google. Dictionaries are still good for obscure usages and etymologies. Few dictionaries – other than the vaunted Oxford English Dictionary – provide enough usage examples.