
How can I get a security clearance without a sponsor?

How can I get a security clearance without a sponsor?

Whether or not a certain job will require a security clearance is determined by the employer. This means, without a reason to obtain one, applying for a clearance isn’t a process you can initiate on your own without a sponsor. It’s only activated as a requirement by the organization.

Can you get a waiver for security clearance?

Waiver: Eligibility granted or continued despite the presence of substantial issue information that would normally preclude eligibility. Approval authorities may approve a waiver only when the benefit of initial or continued eligibility clearly outweighs any security concerns.

What would stop me from getting a security clearance?

The government may deny, suspend, or revoke your security clearance based on improper or illegal involvement with drugs. Abusing prescription or other legal drugs may also prevent you from getting a clearance. These conditions may disqualify you from access to classified information: Drug abuse.

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How do I get security clearance for my company?

A company seeking to obtain a Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret facility clearance (a.k.a facility security clearance) must be sponsored for it by a federal government agency or another company that already has a facility clearance. A company cannot simply apply for a facility security clearance of its own accord.

What is required for a secret security clearance?

For a secret clearance in a national security position, the investigation requires agents to interview people who have lived or worked with the applicant at some point in the last seven years (or more). These are confidential, secret, top secret and sensitive compartmented information.

How do you get an active secret clearance?

Obtaining a Security Clearance

  1. Applicants must go through the application phase, which involves verification of US citizenship, fingerprinting and completion of the Personnel Security Questionnaire (SF-86).
  2. The Defense Security Service conducts thorough background checks.

How do I obtain a secret security clearance?

Who is eligible for a Top Secret security clearance?

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Only the federal government can grant someone a security clearance, and to get one the applicant must work for a government agency or contractor and conduct business that justifies granting him or her access to highly sensitive information.

Can I obtain a security clearance on my own?

If you do not have a security clearance, you cannot obtain one on your own; you must be sponsored by a government agency or a company with a government contract requiring classified performance.

Can cleared process consultants for security clearances?

Cleared contractors can process individual consultants for personnel security clearances when the consultant and immediate family are the sole owners of a business entity, and the consultant is the only one that requires access to classified information.

Do contractors need security clearances?

In essence, if personnel working for a contractor require access to classified information in the performance of their duties, the contractor must have an FCL and the personnel must have personnel security clearances (PCLs). Therefore:

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Do you have to be a government employee to get a clearance?

No. You must be sponsored by a cleared contractor or a government entity. To be sponsored you must be employed by a cleared. contractor (or hired as a consultant) in a position that requires a cleara nce. As an. exception, a candidate for employment may be submitted for a clearance if the cleared.