
How can I get ode in NIOS?

How can I get ode in NIOS?

For Students – Procedure for registration Visit (NIOS WebSite) and under On-Demand Examination Click upon the Registration for Examination only for existing learners (at the bottom). After that the Registration form will appear where you have to Register for the Examination.

How many times I can give NIOS exam?

twice a year
You can avail as many as nine chances to appear in the public examinations spread over a period of five years. NIOS holds external examinations twice a year. NIOS will keep and accumulate your passes (Credit) in particular subjects in its computer till you clear all the required subjects for a certification.

Can I give NIOS exam after graduation?

Your graduation degree will still be valid even if you repeat class 12th from National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). But you cannot utilize NIOS certificate and previous board class 12th certificate together.

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How many times NIOS conducts exams in a year?

About NIOS Class 12 2022 National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) conducts Senior Secondary examination twice a year, in March/April and in October/November. National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has announced the admission schedule for NIOS Class 12.

What is the fees of NIOS?

Course level Registration Fee Exam Fee
Secondary (under Stream 3) Online admission Rs.480 per subject Rs. 500/- per subject for Theory, Additional Rs. 200/-for Practical per subject
Sr. Secondary (under Stream 4) Online admission Rs.480 per subject Rs. 500/- per subject for Theory, Additional Rs. 200/-for Practical per subject

What is ode in NIOS?

The basic concept of On Demand Examination is that NIOS Student can walk into the examination center as and when he/she feel ready for the examination. At present, ODES is being conducted at NIOS HQ at NOIDA and at its Regional Centres/Sub Centres of NIOS in the following subjects at Secondary and Sr. Secondary level.

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Is TMA compulsory in NIOS?

Submission of Internal Assessment including TMA etc. will not be compulsory for declaration of results. The NIOS has made earnest efforts to popularize the scheme amongst the Study Centres and learners, highlighting its merits, so that learners are encouraged to submit the TMA.