
How can I remotely connect to Oracle 11g?

How can I remotely connect to Oracle 11g?

Connecting Remotely with the SQL Command Line To initiate a remote connection from the SQL Command Line using the Oracle Database XE: On the remote computer, start a terminal session (Linux) or open a command window (Windows.) If prompted for host credentials, log in to the remote computer.

How do I connect to Oracle network?

Task 2: Start the Database

  1. Start SQL*Plus without connecting to the database: sqlplus /nolog.
  2. Connect to Oracle as SYSDBA: SQL> CONNECT username/password as sysdba.
  3. When you enter a STARTUP command, specify the database name and full path of the parameter file: SQL> STARTUP database_name pfile=file.

Can we use Oracle with ASP NET?

Oracle integrates directly with Microsoft ASP.NET in a number of ways: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio provides an easy way to design data-driven web sites. ODP.NET enables ASP.NET data access.

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How do I enable remote access in Oracle?

To enable remote HTTP connection requests using the SQL Command Line:

  1. Start the SQL Command Line and connect to the database as user SYSTEM .
  2. At the SQL Command Line prompt, enter the following command: EXEC DBMS_XDB.SETLISTENERLOCALACCESS(FALSE);

How do I ping an Oracle database in Windows?

Oracle Net Manager

  1. Start Oracle Net Manager. See Also:
  2. In the navigator, expand Directory or Local > Service Naming.
  3. Select the net service name or database service.
  4. Choose Command > Test Net Service. Testing assumes that the database and listener are running.
  5. Click Close to dismiss the Connect Test dialog box.

How can I check connection between application and database server?

Open the file and, under Connection, type either the SQL server name or, if you are testing an SQL alias, the alias name. Under 2, chose “Windows Authenticated security” Click “refresh” If the connection was successful, list of databases should appear in the dropdown menu under #3.

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How does Oracle SQL Developer connect to ASP NET?

Go to the server explorer, then right click on the Data Connections then click Add connection, select ODP.NET from Data Provider dropdown list. Step 4: A new connection window will appear, and then we have to select the path for data source for the respective Oracle database connection.