How can I tell if my Juul pods are fake?
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How can I tell if my Juul pods are fake?
A fake JUUL Pod comes with four dots of different colors on its top, while the real one has the JUUL logo. If you see anything on the top of a JUUL Pod apart from the JUUL logo, then that pod is counterfeit. The fake JUUL Pods come with harsh e-juices than expected.
How can I tell if my Juul pods are fake 2021?
Fake Juul pods’ packaging has 4 dots on the top while the real Juul pod has its own company’s logo. Fake Juul pods have harsh oil and e-juices. Their caps are brightly coloured. For a sample, one flavour has an orange cap, wherein the real Juul pod there is yellow-orange.
Can you check Juul pods?
You are allowed to pack as many Juul Pods as you can fit in your quart bag. Furthermore, if you are flying with a checked bag your Juul Pods can go in checked luggage. The Juul pen itself must go in carry-on luggage but Juul Pods can be packed in checked baggage.
Is it bad to smoke fake JUUL pods?
Fake JUUL® Pods Aren’t Tested for Safety A vaping coil that’s manufactured improperly could have a short – and a short circuit can potentially cause a battery to overheat or explode. You can bet that JUUL® tests their pods for safety before those pods ship out to customers.
How do I check my JUUL pod batch code?
You can find the batch code for your pods on the back of the packaging on a sticker or the box itself. If you need assistance locating it, please DM us with a picture of your JUULpods.
Is it bad to smoke fake Juul pods?
Can an 18 year old bring a Juul on a plane?
Airport security and TSA have a standard policy about vaporizers and e-cigarettes. It must not be part of the check-in luggage. They are after the safety of passengers, and batteries of vapes may cause danger in flight. TSA will not take your vape even when you are under 18 if it is in your carry-on luggage.
How do you verify JUUL?
The JUULpod Batch Code is on the back of the packaging, just below the perforation and on the reverse side of the JUULpod foil blister pack. The number is between 6-12 characters.
Are real JUUL pods clear?
The real pods contain a clear liquid. But the juice in a second box of fakes I have was clear and not much different from the contents of the real pods. So, there’s clearly an issue of what you are smoking if you intentionally, or unintentionally, get a box of counterfeit juice pods.
How long do Juul pods expire?
While JUUL® pods do not have expiration dates on their packages, it’s generally recommended that you keep your pods in storage for no longer than about a year. Nicotine oxidizes readily when it’s exposed to air and light.