
How can polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons be prevented?

How can polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons be prevented?


  1. decreasing consumption of smoked and charbroiled foods;
  2. decreasing the use of coal-tar-based cosmetics and shampoos;
  3. substituting cedar shavings or aromatic herbs for mothballs, moth flakes, and deodorant cakes;

How do you reduce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in food?

The PAH contamination of smoked foods can be significantly reduced by replacing direct smoking with indirect smoking obtained by an external smoke generator. As PAHs are bound to particles, a filter may be used to remove particulate material from the smoke. This will reduce contamination with PAHs (25).

What foods contain PAH?

The following foods could contain PAHs:

  • bivalve shellfish accumulate PAHs from seawater and sediment Limits are therefore applied to ensure that excessively-contaminated mussels or oysters do not enter the food chain.
  • smoked products.
  • certain cooked meat products such as flame-grilled burgers.
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Are PAH harmful?

PAHs generally have a low degree of acute toxicity to humans. The most significant endpoint of PAH toxicity is cancer. Increased incidences of lung, skin, and bladder cancers are associated with occupational exposure to PAHs.

How can hydrocarbons affect our health?

Some hydrocarbons can cause other effects, including coma, seizures, irregular heart rhythms or damage to the kidneys or liver. Examples of products that contain dangerous hydrocarbons include some solvents used in paints and dry cleaning and household cleaning chemicals.

Are PAH hazardous waste?

Proper solid waste disposal is important to avoid human and environmental contamination. The NBR 10,004 Waste Classification lists several polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and indicates that the presence of at least one PAH in a waste sample is enough to classify it as hazardous.

How do you reduce PAH in smoked fish?

The presence of filters on smoking equipment enables to decrease PAHs amount in smoked fish. Application of marinade to meat before grilling or smoking can lead to PAHs reduction in the processed food. To pack smoked fish or meat in low density polyethylene bags can reduce PAHs levels.

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What is PAH contamination?

People are usually exposed to mixtures of PAHs. Breathing air contaminated with motor vehicle exhaust, cigarette smoke, wood smoke, or fumes from asphalt roads are common ways exposure occurs. People take in PAHs when they eat grilled or charred meats or foods or foods on which PAH particles have settled from the air.

Why are aromatic compounds stable?

Aromatic compounds, originally named because of their fragrant properties, are unsaturated hydrocarbon ring structures that exhibit special properties, including unusual stability, due to their aromaticity. This delocalization leads to a lower overall energy for the molecule, giving it greater stability.

How can Hydrocarbons affect our health?

How can we prevent hydrocarbons?

The remediation of hydrocarbon polluted wastewater can be achieved by three methods, which are phytoremediation, bioremediation and chemical remediation. Phytoremediation entails the use of plants to reduce the volume, mobility and toxicity of contaminants in soil and water.

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How do hydrocarbons benefit and harm the human health and environment?

As major components of oil, natural gas and pesticides, these substances contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change, deplete the ozone, reduce photosynthetic ability of plants, and increase occurrences of cancer and respiratory disorders in humans.