
How can you tell the difference between RS232 and RS485?

How can you tell the difference between RS232 and RS485?

RS232 is more than able to perform for a short distance and low data speed requirements. RS232 has a transmission speed of 1Mb/s up to 15M. However, RS485 has a data transmission speed of up to 10Mb/s for a distance of 15M. At the maximum of 1200M, RS485 transmits at 100Kb/s.

What are the types of serial communication?

There are two broad types of serial communication: synchronous and asynchronous. There are a very large number of different standards and protocols for serial communication, ranging from the very simple to the seriously complicated.

What is the difference between RS485 and Rs 422?

RS485 can have multiple Commanding Devices and multiple Listening Devices. RS422 can have only one Commander and multiple Listeners. For example, you can connect one PC (the Commanding device) to 10 temperature controllers (listeners).

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What’s the difference between RS232 and RS422?

RS232 is full-duplex, RS485 is half-duplex, and RS422 is full-duplex. RS485 and RS232 are only the physical protocol of communication (ie interface standard), RS485 is the differential transmission mode, RS232 is the single-ended transmission mode, but the communication program does not have much difference.

What is serial communication in embedded system?

Serial communication is common method of transmitting data between a computer and a peripheral device such as a programmable instrument or even another computer. Serial communication transmits data one bit at a time, sequentially, over a single communication line to a receiver.

What is the difference between 12c mode and serial communication?

I2C is a half-duplex communication protocol. SPI is a full-duplex commination protocol. I2C has the feature of clock stretching, which means if the slave cannot able to send fast data as fast enough then it suppresses the clock to stop the communication.

Is RS-422 compatible with RS485?

You cannot place an RS422 transmitter on an RS485 bus. In other words: with a RS422 receiver you can only listen to an RS485 bus. RS485 is only the hardware standard and says nothing about transmission protocol, so keep that in mind.

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Is VGA a RS-232?

VGA is a graphics interface which uses RGB analog signals as video output. It’s technical name is DE15 connector. The common name of RS232 connector is SERIAL PORT. This connector is basically used to connect various components to the PC like mice, printers etc.