
How cold does Mackay get in winter?

How cold does Mackay get in winter?

Maximum daytime temperatures are typically 29-30 degrees during the summer/wet months and 21-25 degrees during the winter/dry months. Minimum overnight temperatures are typically around 23 degrees during the summer/wet months and 13-14 degrees during the winter/dry months.

Is Queensland cold in winter?

In far north Queensland you’re not likely to be cold very often. Areas like Cairns and Port Douglas experience a wet and dry season. The winter months are comfortable, warm and sunny. The nights are cool while the days are hot, winter brings both temperatures down a little.

What degrees is it in Australia in winter?

During the winter in Western Australia, or “dry” season (April-September), temperatures generally range from 24 degrees Celsius (or 75 degrees Fahrenheit) to around 34°C (93°F).

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What is the coldest temperature in Australia in winter?

The lowest minimum temperature was −23.0 °C (−9.4 °F) at Charlotte Pass on 29 June 1994 in the Snowy Mountains. This is also the lowest temperature recorded in the whole of Australia excluding Australian Antarctic Territory.

What’s it like living in Mackay?

Mackay has a humid sub-tropical climate of hot wet summers and dry, mild winters. If you love living in shorts this is the place to do it! With average temperatures of 22 in winter and 30 in the summer, those long dark cold UK winters will be a distant memory. So too however will be the light nights of summer.

What season is it in Mackay?

Enjoying a tropical climate, Mackay experiences stunning weather year round with hot summers and warm, sunny winters. Cooled by breezes off the coast, nights can be quite cool in winter while summer sees the arrival of the wet season from December to March, when the majority of Mackay’s 1.5m annual rainfall occurs.

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How warm is Queensland in winter?

Average Temperatures: Winter – 22C maximum (72F), 10C minimum (50F).

What was the coldest place in Queensland today?

Qld Forecasts

Coolangatta Showers 27.0°C
Double Is Point Possible shower 28.6°C
Gold Coast Showers 27.0°C
Green Island Thunderstorms 32.9°C

Will this winter be cold Australia 2021?

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has said winter 2021 is likely to be warmer across much of Australia, including the capitals. There could even been a risk of bushfires in some areas. It’s part of a warming trend that’s spanned the last two decades. NSW saw its wettest winter for some time.

Will winter be colder this year?

Winter will be colder and drier than normal, with near-normal snowfall. The coldest periods will be in early, mid-, and late December; through much of January; and in early and mid-February. The snowiest periods will be in early December, early January, and mid-February.

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Which state has the best climate in Australia?

Perth is an easy-going but cosmopolitan city on Australia’s west coast. With gorgeous city parks, a booming economy and warm weather all year round, life in Perth is sweet….Best for: Climate.

Pros Cons
Has the highest average daily sunshine hours, at a bonza 8.8 hours Lack of things to do