
How did Darth Vitiate live so long?

How did Darth Vitiate live so long?

1 Darth Vitiate He snapped his own father’s neck with the Force when he was only six-years old. His mastery of the Dark Side of the Force was what gave him the ability to live so long. That life energy gave Vitiate his longevity.

Who killed Lord vitiate?

Vitiate dies and was killed by the hero of tython although that is just vitiate. Vitiate carries on living in another host named valkorion, and becomes far superior to his former self. He is defeated when he is stabbed through the back by the outlander, but he manages to live on inside the outlander.

Is Lord vitiate the most powerful Sith?

The David Copperfield of Sith. No matter which of his many names you know him by, Lord Vitiate was one of the most powerful Force-sensitive beings to ever live. After killing his father at age 10 with only a thought, Tenebrae was mentored by Marka Ragnos and soon after granted the title of Sith Lord.

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How was vitiate immortal?

As a result of the ritual of Sith magic, Vitiate became immortal and gained immense strength in the Force. If successful, the ritual would have allowed him to consume the life of every living thing in the galaxy, and the Emperor would have absorbed it to become like a god.

How did vitiate immortal?

The Emperor Vitiate was a Sith Lord who successfully gained near immortality by draining the life force of an entire planet, later attempting to drain all life in the galaxy, which would give him true immortality.

Is Vitiate dead?

Lord Vitiate declared himself as Sith Emperor and promised his people vengeance. Several hundred years passed by and the Sith Empire had become a prominent empire….Vitiate.

Biographical information
Death 3630 BBY (final death)
Status Deceased
Family Dramath (father) Arcann (son) Thexan (son) Vaylin (daughter)

How old is vitiate?

By the time of the Great War, he was well over 1,400 years old.