
How did JRR Tolkien describe Elves?

How did JRR Tolkien describe Elves?

The Elves were the fairest creatures in Arda, a far more beautiful race than Men, and generally tall (about six feet). Elves had keener senses than Men. They were slender, graceful yet strong, and were resistant to extremes of nature, illness and disease. However, many Noldor died at the crossings of Helcaraxë.

What did The Music of the Ainur sound like?

After Ilúvatar told them about the Music, the Ainur began to fashion it. Their voices, like the sound of harps and trumpets and choirs, passed “beyond hearing” into the depths and heights of sound.

Is Elvish and Elven the same?

The words elfen, elfin, and elven are all spelling variations of the same word and when used as an adjective (or noun), can be swapped at will with no loss of meaning. The root word is elf (from OE ælf), plural is elves.

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What culture are Tolkien’s Elves based on?

Tolkien’s Elves are rooted as firmly as possible in Anglo-Saxon, Middle English, and Norse tradition, but influenced also by Celtic fairies in the Tuatha Dé Danann. Jackson’s Elves are however “Celtic” in the romanticised sense of the Celtic Revival.

Do elves sleep LotR?

Yes, Elves sleep. There are numerous references to sleeping Elves and the beds they made for sleeping throughout Tolkien’s published books. Reader doubt about the Elves’ need for sleep appear to be inspired by Legolas’ semi-wakefulness during the pursuit of the Orcs who had taken Merry and Pippin prisoner.

What is elf plural?

The preferred plural of elf is elves, following the grammar of shelf and shelves or wolf and wolves. Modern use of the word elf almost always shows up in the plural as elves, with the spelling elfs turning up on infrequent occasions: Size doesn’t matter much in the world of elves.

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Are there still elves in Middle-Earth?

ANSWER: No, according to J.R.R. Tolkien, some Elves [mostly (if not entirely all) East-elves (Wood-elves)] remain in Middle-earth. They remained at Rivendell with many other Elves who were not yet ready to leave Middle-earth.

What did Norse elves look like?

In Norse mythology, Dökkálfar (“Dark Elves”) and Ljósálfar (“Light Elves”) are two contrasting types of elves; the dark elves dwell within the earth and have a dark complexion, while the light elves live in Álfheimr, and are “fairer than the sun to look at”.