
How did Near solve the Kira case?

How did Near solve the Kira case?

3 Answers. Showing Kiyomi’s name written in the notebook doesn’t help Near proves that Light is Kira. Instead, it helps Near explains how he win by realizing the possibility of a fake notebook, which he previously not realize and would have lead to Light’s win.

Did Near and Mello work together?

Mello always felt that Near was better than him. This mentality led him to try to be better than Near in any way that he could. However, there were times where the two of them worked together, with Mello even sacrificing his life in order to help Near avenge their idol.

How did Mello help in Death Note?

In Near’s own words, Mello had the thing which Near didn’t: ability to take risks and initiative. Both Mello and L identified the real Kira and lost their lives by taking risks and gambling with their options. This helped Near to finally apprehend Light Yagami. The two of them worked together to stand up to L.

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How did Mello survive the explosion?

Shuichi Aizawa holds Mello at gunpoint, again demanding that he surrender, but Mello detonates the bombs, survives the explosion, and escapes. He is left badly scarred along the left side of his face above his mouth; the gas mask he was wearing at the time protected the rest of his face.

How smart was Mello?

Character. While Mello is certainly a genius and more intelligent than most people, the concept of being only the second most intelligent person in Wammy’s House, behind Near, fuels the inferiority complex that defines Mello’s character.

Does Mello hate Near?

With his parting words, Mello made it clear that while his rivalry with Near was ongoing, he saw it more as a game than a bitter fight to the death. He’ll help Near at least a little bit if it means taking down his real #1 enemy, Kira!

Is Mello good or bad?

Mello (real name: Mihael Keehl) is one of the two successors of L and the secondary antagonist during the second half of Death Note. Although not truly evil, his methods of capturing Kira are downright insane and ruthless, to the point where he even kills innocent people.

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What did near and Mello do to help light defeat Kira?

L made Light take up the new L. By this he ensured that although Near and Mello would be at safe distance from L, they would be still close enough to defeat Kira. Perhaps the most important, he brought the existence of Death Note in light. What Mello did was to attract immediate attention of Light.

How did near and Mello help each other?

Mello helped Near by bringing Light out of his hideout. To understand how Mello and Near were co-operating all this time, we need to know the events after L’s death. Moments prior to his death, L knew he was going to die.

Why did Mello think near was stalking the X-Kira?

Mello could easily assume that Near had found the x-kira and been stalking him. What makes it weird is Mello thought that this person who was being investigated by Near was using fake death note, and assumed that Near wouldn’t ever found out about this unless he kidnapped Takada.

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Why does Mello want to kidnap Takada?

Mello by nature is impulsive and takes risks to break stalemates. He wants to take the first action that would provide the essential breakthrough to the team opposing Kira even if it meant losing his life. Mello intends to kidnap Takada and get the owner of the real death note to silence her.