
How did Ron and Harry get to Hogwarts in the car?

How did Ron and Harry get to Hogwarts in the car?

At the start of their second year, Harry and Ron used the enchanted car to get to Hogwarts when the entrance to Platform 9¾ was sealed by Dobby, in another attempt to protect Harry by preventing his return to school. The car, after having unloaded everything and everyone in it, drove off into the Forbidden Forest.

How did Harry find the train?

He asks the mother for help, and she tells him to walk through the barrier between tracks nine and ten. Harry does so, and he is astonished to find the train to Hogwarts on the other side. Harry boards it. Arriving at the station, the newcomers are led onto boats in which they sail to the castle of Hogwarts.

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Is the Hogwarts Express the only way to get to Hogwarts?

However, the train only runs from King’s Cross (the station most of the students seem to use) to Hogsmeade. The fact that on average there are around one thousand students at Hogwarts each year also poses complications for the Hogwarts Express being the only method for students to reach Hogwarts.

Why do Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts Express?

Unable to follow the rest of the Weasleys to platform nine and three quarters, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts Express. Desperate to get to school, they decide to fly the bewitched Ford Anglia.

How many times a year did the Hogwarts Express run?

It made this run about six times a year, maybe more, as needed. The Express dutifully carried students to and from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the start and end of every term.

What class is the Hogwarts Express in Harry Potter?

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“The Hogwarts Express is a 4-6-0 Hall Class steam locomotive model number GWR 5900. It is quite impressive.”. —Hogwarts Express conductor. The Hogwarts Express is the name of the train that makes a run between London, King’s Cross Station Platform 9¾ and Hogsmeade Station.

What happens to Harry and Ron at King’s Cross?

When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross. Unable to follow the rest of the Weasleys to platform nine and three quarters, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts Express.