
How did Saitama lose his hair?

How did Saitama lose his hair?

His determination and effort towards becoming a hero is what made him lose his hair. He had so much determination to become the most powerful hero, and in the process he became the most powerful hero. But because he became the most powerful hero, he lost all interest in living. He also lost his hair.

Why did Saitama wear a wig?

He actually thought that Saitama was after him because he is a hero hunter. Interestingly, Saitama did not appear to do anything on Garou in the first place. He was just looking for a wig that he could wear in the martial arts tournament. The wig is said to be important as the hero needs it for his disguise.

Why does Saitama’s face change?

I think that the writers changed his face because he looks very closely similar to Ikkaku Madarame from bleach that’s why they changed saitama face. The full extent of his power hasn’t been shown yet, so we scale him y what he’s shown and increase it by a reasonable level.

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What part of Genos is human?

Genos even tells Saitama that he can eat become it becomes biofuel for his core. His brain is the only part still human, which is just enough of a significant human part to keep him labeled as a cyborg I guess, since it makes up who he essentially is as an individual.

What did Saitama do to get strong?

Saitama claims to have developed his strength by following the One Punch Man workout, which consists of 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run.

Did Saitama shave his hair?

9 How He Lost His Hair Saitama is a hero who is often underestimated because his rather unassuming appearance allows many to think that the hero doesn’t pose a real challenge. What’s fascinating about this detail is that Saitama doesn’t shave his head.

Does Genos like Saitama?

Genos doesn’t just love Saitama, it is not a mere crush, no, Genos idolizes Saitama! It gets to a point where logic doesn’t apply. Think about that, Genos looks up to Saitama so much that he will do and say anything just to get his masters approval. Honestly it could be seen as crush.