
How did Thor learn to speak Groot?

How did Thor learn to speak Groot?

Fan Theory Takes Root. Groot has never been the most complicated character in the MCU. Thor spends most of the movie with Rocket and Groot, and it’s revealed that Thor “speaks Groot.” It was taught as an elective on Asgard, so Thor can understand everything Groot can say.

What does Thor call Groot?

After all, Thor calls Rocket “Rabbit,” and Groot himself has had other nicknames — Yondu notably called the smaller version of him “Twig” in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Perhaps “tree” was meant more literally.

Can star Lord understand Groot?

Yes, Star-Lord is able to understand Groot by the time Infinity War rolls around. That means he learned how to understand Groot within the 4 years between Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 and Infinity War.

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Can Rockets understand Groot?

Nevertheless, it reveals that Rocket can’t totally understand Groot, unlike his previous adaptions. Of course, Rocket and Groot have always appeared as the closest team on the ship, and they are. In that time, Rocket and the other Guardians may be able to understand Groot without the need of a universal translator.

How long does it take Thor to understand Groot?

When they are shown understanding him in Avengers: Infinity War, the entire team has been with Groot for around four years. So, it takes somewhere between four months and four years to properly understand Groot’s language. This also makes Thor’s ability to understand Groot in Infinity War all the more impressive.

Can the Guardians of the Galaxy understand what Groot says?

The Guardians of the Galaxy can understand what Groot says during Avengers: Infinity War. Here’s why they can understand him but others can’t. Groot might only say “I am Groot,” but here’s why the Guardians of the Galaxy are able to understand the meaning behind what he says.

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Can you learn Groot’s language?

According to Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn, someone will only be able to understand Groot by spending time with him. He explained that it is not possible to learn the language of Groot the same way one could study most languages. Instead, someone must connect with Groot on a deeper level.

How has Baby Groot changed since the MCU debuts?

All of the Guardians have changed since their MCU debuts, but arguably none as much as Groot after he died and was reborn as Baby Groot. The walking tree-like creature is a being of few words. Groot only says “I am Groot” but it is unique each time he says it.