
How do airlines calculate weight of passengers?

How do airlines calculate weight of passengers?

At present, airlines use “assumed mass” – estimating the total weight of the passengers by using set figures. Typically each passenger is assumed to weigh 88kg. If the captain knows the plane is carrying less weight than the “assumed mass’, he or she can load a little less fuel, which in turn uses less fuel to carry.

What is the most accurate method to determine an aircrafts weight and balance?

As aircraft weighings are required, weighing with calibrated scales is the only sure method of obtaining an accurate basic weight and center of gravity of the aircraft.

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When calculating the new weight and balance for an aircraft what is used to determine the operating CG range?

To determine the CG, divide the total moment by the total weight. The total loaded weight of 3,320 pounds does not exceed the maximum gross weight of 3,400 pounds, and the CG of 84.8 is within the 78–86 inch range; therefore, the aircraft is loaded within limits.

How is weight and balance calculated on a plane?

Technique: Weight and balance

  1. Ascertain from the pilot’s operating handbook the empty weight of the aircraft and determine the weights of people, baggage, and fuel.
  2. Multiply each weight by the arm—the distance from the reference datum—to find the moment.
  3. Add all the weights to find the gross weight.

Is there a weight limit for passengers on airlines?

There is no set weight limit for passengers on commercial flights in the U.S., but some airlines, most notably Southwest, require customers who cannot fit in one seat to book a second. If the flight does not oversell, the airline will refund the price of the second seat.

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What is the standard weight of crew and passenger in general aviation aircraft?

Crew and passengers 170 lb per person.

How do airplanes measure weight?

The total weight W of the aircraft is simply the sum of the weight of all of the individual components. W = w(fuselage) + w(wing) + w(engines) + w(payload) + w(fuel) + …

Do airlines charge extra for overweight passengers?

While no airlines impose a weight-based charge, the problem of seating for overweight passengers is becoming a pressing concern. Several major carriers require that overweight passengers who cannot fit comfortably within their seat with the armrests down must buy a second seat.